Tuesday, 13 September 2016


I have told Sandra and Mike that it really hurts my feelings that they are 'friends' with Howard, because he beat, raped, and stalked me for years...but so far it has made no difference, Mike has even mentioned Howard the last two times he has spoken to me!!...so the slow fade out starts, i wont be answering the phone...going where i know they will be, or if we bump into each other i wont be rude, but leave immediately..
I am sad, i wish Howard would just stay away, like Eddie said, (he left his home town so those who he abused would not have to see him in the street!)..
I don't feel sad because he has taken these "friends" away, because they were not friends anyway! Not if they did that to me,to be perfectly honest i only talk to them because i feel sorry for them! each of them are THE VERY LAST PERSON I WOULD TALK TO IF I WAS UPSET!..neither of them has known what is really going on with me for over a year! i never ring them, and i am sad to say i never think of them! Sad people
So now i feel no responsibility, and as i said before i feel really free! as always with me its going to take a few days to get used to this new me! but i do know that yesterday when Mike mentioned Him it annoyed me for a few hours, i can do without that aggravation!!

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