The things that have been bothering my over the last few weeks have quietly resolved themselves,or of course it could be that the Lord has been blessing me again! Which i receive gratefully from him,i hope i have been blessed because i have not allowed the perfectly justified anger to come out and have always tried to behave myself as David did in the Bible, not getting a reaction out of David made the King more angry and jealous,and the people in the land noticed, which made the King more jealous!!
Sandra was not pleasant about it, on the 14.9.16,i said to her:
" Hi Sandra i am glad you are getting back on facebook,it is painful for me to talk to you at the moment, as you are still friends with Howard, he beat me, Raped me, and stalked me for years.I don't lie, HE DID THESE THINGS TO ME, and is not allowed by the court to talk to me ,but if he does, he will be arrested.I have letters form the solicitors to prove this, i know you say you 'care about me', but i would not be friends with someone who did this to you", she relied:
"Hi Elisa so sorry your feeling these things you had to go through in the past, that they still have a really bad effect on your life, i do hope we can still be friends, and nothing will come between our friendship that would be very sad,you are a very strong woman and a lovely mum friend and a sister in Christ you are loved by many people, you love a lot and give lots of your time to others, your amazing the things you do for others" my reply,
"Hi Sandra, the only thing that could come between us, our friendship , is you being friends with my rapist? who beat me,broke my nose,how could you? and still call yourself my friend" and later that morning i said;
" and these things do not 'still have a really bad affect on my life' as you say,i have forgiven,and the Lord has healed me from any affects "(of the violence from 10 15 years ago)."i don't know how you can say that to me,i have told you so many times, it is as if it happened to another person.I expect LOYALTY from my friends and family.Howard is the reason my daughter won't talk to, me or that i cant see my grandson much, he got involved with them and even said the lie that he was her dad! which i told him many times was not true. Howard should just stay away from my friends and family.I went to your church for 15 years,i had to stop because he started going,( to try to get back with me, after 10 years!)I cant go to my daughters house any more because he started going there to!! to try to 'accidently on purpose' bump into me and i would get back with him!!
These are the thing he has done in just the past few years, since 2010, so much that i had to go to a solicitor,twice, (two letters from different ones asking him to leave me alone were sent)" because i was so sick of him getting into every area of my life. Is this acceptable behaviour by him, why cant he just stay away from my friends and family? If he was genuinely sorry for his actions he would".( 14.9.16.)
She did not reply to any of these last two, and today i sent her a photo of the solicitors letter, and the photo of Howard and Max at a "family party", Sarah my ex step daughter put on the photo from face book,when his son Laurie was over from China with his daughter, who they have never seen here, Fake and real grandchild in the same place!!, but strangely enough he had his hands on Max and was no-where near his real grandchild!!(Tashy had told me that he had wanted Laurie to bring the baby to Zan's house,so he had to take Max there instead!).
The text i sent with today's message was " Is this photo o.k" (to you)" this is the letter the solicitor sent me,this photo is from august, last month with my grandson at someones house,his first wife's house with his REAL granddaughter ,...but i can't see my grandson because he has poisoned my daughter against me, is this fair or the actions of a born again man?. I wont contact you again, unless you contact me first, let me know when he is no longer your friend anymore".
I was reading somewhere recently about Rape i think, on a website called "we hunted the Mammoth" about men standing up to their friends, other males about rape jokes, and they said it should be seen as an unacceptable thing,very much the same situation as i am in,if my 'friends' told him his actions were not acceptable,and stopped being friends with him he would get the message that he cant behave like he does.
Mike and Sandra and the church they go to are both enabling the abuse.Blake once quoted the Bible where it says, "where good men stay silent Evil abounds" Of course i stayed silent,as do most abuse victims, through shame of being treated so badly,and the voice of the abuser saying it all their own fault.
I did not press Mike and Sandra on being friends with him before this because,I thought we could co-exist, as long as he left me alone,and did not actually speak or engage with me,which was what the solicitor had put in her letter,but she also said "you should not interfere with Miss Hills freedom of association", which he has done, so i have some responsibility, in that i should have got angry before,DEMANDED loyalty!!
Howard wants certain things to be kept secret,(i did too for different reasons, that it was a long time ago, this of course has worked against me too).His son Laurie does not know about anything he has done,he said to Nathan once,"it hard when they have the same friends", (but none of these people WERE friends of his,until he started his campaign to get me back!!)
Laurie doesn't know he is claiming Zan is his daughter, or that he introduces him (Max) as his Grandson at church!!,I don't know if Rebekah (his Ex wife) knows about the things he has said, she is friends with me, and i have tried to ask her about her experiences with him and the fact the she once said to me "you know the trouble i have had with him",( I didn't know what she meant at the time),or that she told their daughter some of the things he had done to her,and Sarah was really shocked, but wouldn't tell Tashy the specifics.
I could cause a lot of trouble for Howard, he must know this, i have access to them on facebook, i could comment on the very photo i sent to Sandra, where his daughter Sarah says,"a family barbeque", and ask her 'why do you think your Dad has Max there?'.(.because he is claiming to be Max's Grand-dad and Zannie's Dad!!).and ask her why her Dad does not get a D.N.A test if he is that sure!! The shocking thing to me is that he hates me so much that he has ruined my relationship with my daughter Zannie,does he have no conscience? and that he would do the same with my 'friends', maybe i should try to step up my friendship with Rebekah, she has been round a few times to invite me to things!!! To be honest i have never stopped being friends with her. So i wouldn't be using her if i did!!
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