Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Big bad bullies

I have been reading some very interesting articles on the internet,one is "the gentle art of verbal self defence, by Susette Hayden Elgin, i haven't bought the book but have read some of the stuff she put on the internet, summing up the basics,of course she is dealing with workplace bullies, who are not pyhsically abusive,so to me it seems annoying that its deflecting the bullies, mainly by placating them, the onus is on the victim to take the anger and danger out of the situation, which of course irks me a great deal!!

Yesterday i was reading a scientific study about Bullies,a researcher started studying adult male bullies who were offenders, then thought it must start in the teenage years, then went back to school age children, then back to the infants treatment by the Parent, it didn't actually say the Mother..but of course it would have to be a woman's fault!!

The basic conclusion was that childhood bullies become criminals,and wife beaters who cant hold down a job, and are a great burden on society,because they get more ill, need more intervention to help to learn at school,the study also says the these bullies, have less testosterone than the normal population, less than the men who achieve in society because they lack the verbal skills to succeed in society, this study is not true for Jon who has good verbal skills,but not a bully in the traditional sense because he only does it behind closed doors,but he does fit the criteria of being a criminal, not working, and being a drain on society, as he was sacked form the job (his Dad pressured for him to get) for watching porn during working hours on the work computer, his Dad was the Boss!
The Study was called "big bad bully",(by Hara Estroff Marando)and is easily accessible on the internet, it also says they have a "a hostile attribution make up" which essentially means they have some paranoia,in they think the whole world is out to get them, and see insults where none was given!!SOUNDS LIKE BATTERERS TO ME!!!
The university of Washington Pyschologist Neil Jacobson observes their are two types of batterers
He says that "Bullies and Batterers minimize their aggressive actions, make identical cognitive distortions and attribute hostility to others where it does not exist"

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