Well the annual pagan greed festival is over!...thank goodness there is only the new year celebrations to go!! Joy Of Joy we will be treated to fireworks at 12.am,no point in even trying to go to bed...i live less than a mile from the local park where there is a flower show in August so for two nights from 9.pm we have to endure 20 minutes of loud bangs with the dogs getting hysterical,and it gets hard to hear the t.v, the streets all around get jammed up with people too mean to pay to get in to see the fireworks!!, so the watch it from the pub gardens,next to the Park..
So i try to be away for it but sometimes its unavoidable... a lot of people seem to be reading this blog now ... WHY? its just a load of moaning..i have no idea why anyone would want to read it? really really no idea, i even had another +1 again.., just for talking about Ben's medicine...strange...its Tashy's thirtieth birthday today!! and i remember the day she was born so clearly...it seems a couple of months ago, it was Marks chicken soup that brought her in to the world!!,we had a false alarm on Christmas day so i was in hospital for most of it!! four days later,when i knew i was in labour, my mum came to pick me up and had to park on the pavement outside, a man was also parked there and and she asked him to move because " she was taking a woman in labour to the Maternity hospital" he move his car pretty quickly!...( when my mum came to take me for my last pregnancy she asked me not to scream in pain cos she didn't want my 14yr old sister to get too spooked)
I wish i had sworn at her now!! She had taught me to always be polite..so i was! Unbelievable!!Maybe that's why she told my sister that she wished she had treated me better!....I felt like a orphan all my life..but i wasn't,as i have shared before one painful night the Lord took me through all the painful things that had happened right through my life and told me He was there, ALWAYS there.
Praise Him! anyone who reads this needs to turn to Him,just say sorry for the bad things, we have all done things we feel ashamed of,ask Him into our lives. Many people never meet a born-again person,so cant see the difference that He makes in our lives,with what i have been through in my life i should be in a heap or a psychiatric patient , drugged up so much that i don't feel the pain, but i am not!!, i have forgiven every bad thing done to me, and i live a full functioning life, not stuck in the past or dragged down by it..i was a frightened scared beaten down person all my life, now i smile at strangers,and don't walk with my head down, i am proud to be the daughter of the King of Kings!, the Creator of this beautiful world..
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