Monday, 7 December 2015

Missed Andres birthday!...wont miss him!!

I am annoyed!!... i wanted to read the post i wrote about being Raped, but i cant find it now!!..its been a hard 4-6 weeks as Ben is now up all night and sleeps all day until some days, its been his birthday so that day he got up and we went to town!. Saturday/Sunday night he was awake until 3.a.m and when i told him it was bedtime he was screaming the "f" word and saying how dare i make him go to bed".
(I was due to go with Mike to see Andre as it was his birthday on Sunday,Mike was really excited, and had cajoled me into it when i wasn't sure with Ben not sleeping well). I rang Andre and left a message at and told him what had happened and said i wouldn't be able to come, and after three hours of trying to get hold of Mike to save him coming to pick me up (when i was desperate for sleep), a wasted journey,i finally got through to him!
I had been ringing constantly for 7 minutes from 12.00 pm, he says " Andre's told me you are not going", no concern for my predicament!! no concern for me at all!! and its now been 26 hours since i left Andre the message, and not ONE WORD of worry or concern for me!( Years a go a woman i knew, she used to be my friend,gave me a prophecy she said came from the Lord in which she said i should let 'people go' who were taking advantage of me!!
Andre and Mike were in that list, which at the time i didn't take very seriously because she is a very controlling person...maybe it was God after all!!, but here i am being treated like "s**t again by these unpleasant people.!! No more, i Have not got VICTIM tattooed on my head, probably would save time if i did!!..
People who make me feel like CRAP need to be blown away as fast as their selfish selves can go, maybe i should have called this blog not 'my crap life' but my CRAP EX-FRIENDS and why stupid me loves them anyway!! Get lost!! P**S off , don't like you, don't care what you think of me,P**S off you ungrateful toxic BA****D's.. You nasty pieces of work!!

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