Thursday, 21 January 2016

The MAGIC Word? (abuser school)

"What's the magic word" I used to say to my children,when they hadn't said please or thank you , when they were young, I think I trained them to be polite to people, sometimes people did say they were very polite which was nice to know!..I learned that from my Mum,(in fact i even had that used against me in a sneering way!!nothing is sacred to abusers), even someone being polite and nice to others is wrong in their eyes!!
My Dad used to encourage me to be grateful to shop assistants,(in the days when you sometimes have to wait for them to finish conversations with other assistants with a large queue growing!!, does not happen much now ) and I always say thank you to Bus drivers when i get off, sometimes they do seem surprised that anyone talks to them.
So words are powerful,yesterday i had the t.v on in the background but not giving it much attention,and i heard a black ladies voice saying "you don't LOVE me don't you EVER use that word to me again"( I think it was the t.v. programe "Cheaters" which in American-English means someone who sleeps with someone else when in a marriage or committed relationships,and of course, lies about it, not always men either!!..(Yes i have watched it, until i found it a bit too stirring of past feelings and emotions!! and the justification of the person when found out, "its your fault ,you weren't giving me enough attention,working too hard,not making enough money" the usual blaming of everyone else, which abusers do as well! Somebody should write a book one day of excuses,for abusers!!
To the average abuser "Love" is the magic word,they know that it can be a trap for Women,so its not long, sometimes even inappropriately early in a relationship that they trot out that old lemon!,love for others does not exist in a violent abusers world,others exist for them just as tools to further their ego, their warped and totally false view of themselves as the centre of the Universe,think of Narcissus staring lovingly at his own reflection, in the Pool of water!!..and if he would just stay THERE and not bother us unsuspecting open hearted people the world would be a much better place!! (Maybe we ex-victims should carry a mirror round just so that the ones who roam free in society could be distracted for a few seconds by there own image by us flashing the mirror at them!)
Do abusers go to Abuser Graduate school?, Abuser University?, they must do because they all seem to speak the same language,sing from the same Hymn sheet!!...Is there a night school out there that they spend time in the wee small furtive hours!!,

Lesson 1,meet a nice attractive woman, one that is likely to be quiet,willing to let you sweep her off her feet

Lesson 2,(we are employing cult tactics here boys), don't give her space,bombard her with presents, don't give her a chance to think whether she likes you enough,THINK for her, but don't come on too strong at first, that pleasure we will reserve for later!! Subtle manipulation is the key,for now boys!

Lesson 3, move in as fast as you can,to do that you,..(a) if she has kids or pets, rave about how much YOU JUST LOVE THEM.(b) OVERRIDE her express wishes,if she says she doesn't want to rush into anything,( tell her you will just "Die if you cant be with her every spare second!...(b) REMEMBER never allow her to think For herself or make decisions, the goal here guys is to take over her whole life before she knows what is happening.Once you have moved in:

Lesson 4, we all know this stuff instinctively boys!, but just remember to call her CRAZY,so she goes onto anti-depressents as fast as possible, then you will have a very compliant little woman!!, (who you can treat as you want all the time because the drugs stop her objecting to anything you do,)!!..THEN its safe to start cheating, she wont believe herself even if she may suspect, just keep telling her she is crazy to suspect you, and to take more drugs!!, its a win win win situation!!, you'll have her just where you want her!..of course you do lose the enjoyment of making her cry (we all know how much we love THAT!!), or winding her up just enough so that when there are others around to embarrass her making her lose it!,making her look crazy to others)!!!, but hey this is a small price to pay,because you can do MORE to her to humiliate her, and laugh at her even more!!

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