Thursday, 14 January 2016

Kingsman? nope KINGSWOMAN!

I have just watched a film called "KINGSMAN", with Colin Firth,a spy Movie spoof,they are typical English Gentlemen, wearing Saville Row suits...the evil villain uses peoples mobile phones to send out a signal to turn humans into vicious killers, everyone turns on each other. It was an interesting idea, the prototype is used in a church,in America which i think is based on Westboro Baptist church in America, those unpleasant people who say "God hates F**s" ( a nasty name for Gay people).I may have missed something but there really is no reason to use a church for this..., its very unsettling,not just because of the really gory violence ,( i had to cover my eyes), but because of the unspoken pleasure we were supposed to indulge in watching these unpleasant people kill each other. I suppose i have missed this so far,many Christian believers have been saying that we as Christian are being sidelined, mocked for our views.. I am not anti Gay,I try not to judge anyone,(because I am a sinner and don't see myself as better than anyone else).Also because Jesus tells us not to Judge others!!!,but how long will it be until the Enemy lumps us all together?, we are going to be seen as no better than those Vile people. God DOES NOT HATE ANYONE,He loves EVERY-ONE of His children.

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