Saturday, 21 November 2015

Parent Alienation Syndrome? or Emotional Abuse

Parental alienation syndrome is largely rejected now,probably right because as usual it only refers to women, yet another Victim Blaming tactic,by Abusive men who further use the children after the have been kicked out by the woman,once they have access to the children they can behave as they like, the kids become frightened because the Mother is not there to protect them, the man is angry that she dared to stand up to him by finally leaving and, gets revenge on her by poisoning the child's mind against her,not caring enough or at all for the child, who needs a dependable loving parent.He has nothing but spite for her, because of course a person cannot love another that they hurt with enjoyment or relish...Abusers don't love anyone but themselves and anyone who thwarts them will pay.I studied long into the night about this as i have slowly come to the realization that this has been used against me,which has come as a shock after so many years.Its emotional abuse, and recognized as such by the courts,its been a shock to me that its not just the abusers, but their parents that do this...`but if someone produces a selfish self-centered child, who loves only himself, who made him this way? their parents!, who build up their obviously lacking child to believe they are a prince, entitled to behave with no conscience, and treat all women like dirt...

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