Friday, 6 November 2015

Monster mash..

I am really annoyed,i have just rung Mike,and he has got Howard doing decorating for him.. that's entirely up to him of course! but it seems i cant go that side of town without seeing him in the last week, i was taking the grandchildren out last Friday and he literally rode past my car! Tash and i both groaned at the same time!!, (on Sunday i was driving back from Sunday lunch and just saw him ride into a supermarket),this is really annoying because it happened the same way years ago, at one point for about two weeks when ever i went out he was riding past, i was even in Nathans office and saw him ride past from an upstairs window!!,it wasn't co-incidence, it was different times of the day,different days of the week,i felt haunted and definitely Stalked!..
Why is this happening again? i don't even blame him!! he wouldn't know what i am doing,no one knew the times i would be around that area!!It must be the Enemy, i ask the Lord to turn back any curses that are sent my way, and turn them back as blessings wherever they come from, every day!!
Joe and Daisy have been bullied into agreeing to let Jon see the Baby for an hour once a month, they gave in because he was putting threats on facebook,that he would go to the solicitor,call social services on them...they gave in, they aren't bothered about Jon so much as the rest of their family,Joe's Grandparents, and his Aunts and cousins,they want her to see and be part of life.
I have just checked back, and it was 2012,June and i said "out of the seven times i have been out of the house in the last two weeks i have seen him three times"(Howard) of course it just seems such a co-incidence that he is now painting Mikes house!! I know that there are no such things as Co-incidences, its the Enemy of our Soul every time,i have been having bad dreams for the last week and there have been noises in the house too,just today a resin garden table top has fallen over twice, it was propped up in the garden there is hardly any wind out side , i just picked it up, and stood and watched it for a few minutes, the trees were moving slowly, certainly not strong enough to blow any thing over, then there was a wind low down in the garden quite strong,but the trees above weren't moving?..considering i have a narrow garden with high fences,solid wood and a high hedge, where did this wind come from,my washing line has broken, as if it has been cut many times,Tash came round through the back garden at night and had apples thrown at her from an Empty garden...I really hate that the enemy of out soul thinks he can do this in my house,i belong to the Lamb of God, i am a blood bought child of the Living God, he has no right to do these things to me or my family...I am angry now and am going to do something about this!

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