Friday, 18 September 2015


I have not been praying and read the word of god for a while, i have been discouraged by being in the house such a lot, because of Ben's erratic sleeping patterns,but finally today i managed to finish the bible passage i had started yesterday, John 18, which is talking about Jesus being condemned by the "Jews", it hard to find out what is exactly meant by the Jews,because the whole country was full of Jews, except for the few invading Romans,anyway the part that really struck me was why the 'Jews' chose the robber Barrabas to pardon,and not Jesus?..we know the Jewish authorities and the Religious rulers hated Jesus, because He was so popular with the People, but its telling to me that they chose the one who had been involved with money, you only have to watch 15 mins of Religious t.v in this country to see that they are more interested in whats in your wallet than where your soul is going to end up,i was talking to Sandra and she was talking about how the Pastors wife had been warned by spirit filled brother that the rooms in the Church should not be hired out for Wordly Conferences,the Pastors wife had answered that the head office of the church had told them to hire out the rooms, so that church and the head office are just interested in making money, and The Bible itself says you cant serve God and mammon( money),i put it simpler, the Holy Spirit will leave if God is not given the Priority

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