Thursday, 10 September 2015

dentists and demons

We went to Ben's dentist the other day, its been very aggravating waiting for his teeth to be done, as he refused to go and have them out in hospital, where he would have had a General anesthetic, had two teeth out and four fillings all in one go...but he refused to go to hospital, so it has to be done in the local surgery.The local special needs dentist should not be a special needs dentist, i have told her that Ben doesn't like to be spoken too by someone who is almost a stranger and will just agree to anything, just to stop them speaking to him!!..i was on the point of travelling 35 miles to the nearest dentist,then on Monday when he had his tooth out her attitude was completely different,she kept checking with me that what he said was right!! the only difference was that i had prayed about the problem,not deep intimate prayer, but just a quick "Lord please be in this)!!..
As i am sitting here writing this some plates fell down in the kitchen ,o.k they could have been piled up awkwardly, but my phone fell down from the Mantlepiece, about a foot away from me!!no one else is around, no massive vibrations...this house is a strange place, i could pray against the enemy every day and it still happens,it does not scare me,i have lived with it for thirty years but some other people have been really freaked out by the crap that happens, last September when i was at the caravan Joe and Daisy got trapped upstairs cos an old welsh dresser had ACTUALLY MOVED in front of the door to the stairs..there was the "ghost" picture,(the Queen mother was passing in front of our house on the way to the Barracks up the road,all the Neighbours were outside ready to wave at her,i was standing by the front bay window, and my husband Mark took a photo from the other side of the road,with of the kids outside,when they were developed i was at my Mums, and on that photo next to me on my left there was a little Demonic face!! Mum said "maybe its one of the kids dolls"it wasn't, i never saw anything at the time, and a doll wouldn't be facing outwards anyway.) I don't want to think that anything demonic was hanging around me then,but i know the domestic violence didn't start until i moved into this house!! I have had deliverance for various inherited things,but i do know that the last family that lived in this house was not happy, as the Dad was having an affair, the Mum subsequently died from an illness and then Married the Woman he had been having the affair with, when i first moved in i used to hear kids crying for their Mum, not mine..

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