Tuesday, 11 August 2015

able to post again!

What is it about August that Google hates?!!, a few years ago in august i couldn't post either, i have repeatedly tried to sign into blogger to no avail ah me!!.. All the things i was planning to post as soon as i got back on?...cant remember a single one now..its Mikes birthday party on Sunday,Helen's mum died on Sunday and while i know it is sad she was an old lady who had known the Lord for a very long time,i heard about another woman Sarah who died on the 31st of July,but that was really sad because she was only 49, and had some very young children, her and her husband ran a wonderful christian meeting called garage Praise, literally in a Garage where the rest of the week they fix cars!i never met Alma, Helen's mum, and i only met Sarah just about two weeks before she died, and i only met Dot once but i did share what God had done for me(,her husband Trevor is a friend of mikes and Brian's,who made a commitment to the lord last year,she has some sin in her life, which Trevor had forgiven, but she couldn't forgive herself, and when i heard Di say the other day that she had killed herself i was about to correct her, but then she said she refused to eat..so she really did commit suicide.. its a sad time.I saw Alma with one foot in this world and one in Glory,she so wanted to be in Glory with her saviour, now shes there, she made it home,i understand why the early church had a party when one of them went home!!

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