Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Focus and listening

Its a worrying time for me at the moment, i missed the regional meeting last night,Ben had an "absence" yesterday morning, we had got up early because i was taking my grandchildren out, with Tash and Ben. I saw a program on t.v about sudden death for epileptics, and have resisted researching it until today, i would have rather not known,like an Ostrich sticking my head in the sand!!..Ben has absences, not full blown Seizure's, which make him less likely for sudden death,he is young and male, which can be a risk factor..but the advice was mainly for him to avoid stress, and get plenty of sleep, so i have to decide what to do about that with the Lords help...he has a mobile phone which he has started to use more,does that small screen count a towards the four hours the Neurologist said was the limit for Ben?... it will take me a few days to work through this,hopefully i will allow the Lord to will guide me right, as He always does! i just have to make sure i am listening and not get overwhelmed with the worry of it all, worry for me anyway always seems like Doubt in God..

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