Sunday, 29 September 2013

worried about Mike....

Mikes going to India today, i cant say i am not worried about him, he wont accept any doubt,and says 'God is in it', He is the Chairman of the charity,which means that he is financially responsible, and yet he has no idea how much has been raised.... its all very worrying, his oldest friend Nicky, is very worried about him going, and has said she wishes he wasnt going, and has told him not to make himself short by giving so much of his money to it.He has put his faith in a person, who is married but was simpering up to Andre, saying ' You can give me what my husband cant',literally cuddling up to an almost complete stranger!!, who just happens to be a close friend of mine, co-incidence?.... And now this woman has been ' ordained' as a 'missionary', with her set of Morals?...she is also the person who sent me supposedly 'anonymus' text messages, with vile sexual language in them....I despair, and Mike is in her cluthches...but of course Mike might be inheriting some money...and its not just me who can see through her, the church she used to go to warned others there not to 'give her money', and were very suspicious of her motives, the Local Pastor in India, sent emails to her family to say she was only 'in it for the money'.....Oh dear Oh dear.. He wont listen to widom, to those who love him and have known him for years, he is an Adult, i suppose its his choice.

Friday, 27 September 2013

13kg, and more bugs.

I have lost two stone, a stone and a half in the last 7 weeks,13kg since february! yeah!!....We had a wonderful time last night as it was Nathans 32nd birtday,and we all went out for a meal, (except Joe, he is in Scotland to look after daisys mum,after she comes out of hospital) Andre came too , he was just up for the day, and had spent the day in Birmingham,with Mike and a few others. Life is very good at the moment, despite a few niggles the Enemy has sent our way,minor bugs to be swatted again...My children have all got great people in their lives,and seem very happy. My roof is nearly finished,the heating is connected, and ready to go once the Gas is connected, and the kitchen looks great with new doors and plaster,and the floor is nearly finished.Praise God! it is easy to Praise Him when life is good,i know the enemy will try to provoke me into negative thoughts, but with His strength i will be able to take it all captive! Hallelujah1

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

A small thing

I am doing my testinomy at the October Bikers churh, i am not nervous, never am until about two minutes before i do it!Its funny really that people are surprised that i as a quiet person am not frightened to speak to an Audience, i remember my friends Ex husband, Tony Mcphee, a blues Musician was talking about it,he said'i can see you being able to go on stage'a nice thing to say,'he also said he wasn't nervous because he knew he was good at it,he is a brilliant guitarist! I dont think i am good at ANYTHING,any talents I have, come from God, so i am only sending them back to Him by doing His work! How can i not stand up and tell of His goodness, its a small thing compared to what He did for me! I have been reading about His death, well the start of it so far anyway, in the Gospel of Mathew,at the moment He is praying in the garden of Gethsemene,He goes back to see His friends,and three times they are sleeping,an echo i suppose of the three times Peter denied Him,so He could not rely on any Human to comfort Him, they knew what was coming, He told them many times. I have denied Him many times, just yesterday i was 'ashamed of the cross' i was wearing for a second,(a Tshirt which has the 'God so loved the world' words on it in the shape of the cross).... I am very ashamed of myself, but He always forgives.I am very un-deserving of that.

Monday, 9 September 2013

i have been trying to remember things to post by putting down titles, on the 18th of August i wrote about dreames, i dreamt about my Ex Husband,i was with him and then found out he was cheating so ended it,i was not sure what this meant,i thought it could be that i was emotionless about the cheating, maybe that i didn't let myself get affected by Him anymore which was nice for the few hours it lasted! i wont go into details, but i found out later that day from sandra, that He had been telling lies about me again at the church i went to for 15yrs until he started going there!I haves asked Sandra not to tell me anything about Him, but she blurted it out before i could stop her. Its really not work being friends with people who say things to hurt us, even when asked not to. So it was a warning from God, the dream, of course the "cheating" was him lieing,and maybe the reaction was what He wants it to be,not what it was! I have put some paintings in a Exhibition, in a nearby shopping centre,one was immediately put in the Window! Nathan is in Eygypt at the moment, Zannie went to New York, for her friend,and Ex stepsisters 30th birthday,( when they got home she had a party for her family,didnt invite her Dad, who was then "accidently" told by her step-dad!!, who also said "He looks really old" HA HA!) i AM A TERRIBLE CHRISTIAN......I SHOULDN'T really laugh, but he has caused me a lot of trouble over the years, and expense! ( THIS IS THE SAME EX-STEP DAUGHTER WHO USED TO HIDE WHEN HE WENT ROUND, BECAUSE ALL HE WANTED TO TALK TO HER ABOUT WAS ME,but this is the same man who didnt see his children on the pre arranged day because his 17 yr old girlfriend was jealous of the time he spent with them, he was 35)So what goes around.....!
well it got published, so that great, thanks Google!

hope this post appears ,i have lost several!

well i really hope this appears! i have lost some over the last few days,it is at least appearing, which is a bid improvement on previously!!..i am not going to type too much, if this appears i will say more tommorow!