Friday, 20 December 2019


‘With or with out you’
It a song..just a U2, the Irish Rock band, and Howard,my Violent , stalking Rapist Ex decided years ago it was’ Our Song’.its typical abuser speak with the line 
‘You give yourself away’’s sad and I haven’t thought about it for years, except it came on a t.v. Programme i just had on in the background while i was doing a puzzle on my IPad Pro, it was such unusual thing to happen and it brought back a lot of the past which I usually it was weird, but afterwards i felt, a few ‘shots of love’from the Lord,because tommorow is my first child Nathans Wedding, and Howard is going to be there...yes i know its unbelievable,, i have spoken to Solicitors. Nothing can be done.
As usual women are let down by the Law which should protect them from this sort of thing,and bad people get to do exactly what they want, I don’t have the right to choose. because i am a woman....i cant choose not to be around a dangerous man, my Rapist,who has stalked me for nearly 30 years, because i cant NOT go to my Own Sons Wedding.
It is Unjust, it is unfair...and its just unbelievable.Howard does not like special occasions like this, he would usually avoid them,and he has terminal Cancer, but he said he would come ‘as long as it doesn’t clash with his Chemotherapy’.
I would be prepared to bet £100 that if he can crawl he will be there...

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