I am so furious that there will be no sleep tonight, I am within a hairs breath of exploding all over Facebook,, there won’t be any sleep for me tonight..and I have to drive home tommorow...and I feel like the worst believer in the world.I am the worst Christian in the world...but then I know God does understand why I feel like this...and my daughter has done this...just to twist the knife...because Sadly she is an abusive person too, a spiteful, vengeful person...words I never wanted to ever think let alone say about my own child...she is very much like my sister, and my Mum..not like me at all, or anyone else in the family
In our family it’s the females who are abusive,and cruel...and I am including my Dad in that..my sister Nicky Clark, the( so called Disability Activist and self proclaimed)wrote a whole blog about my Dad being a domestic Abuser, which was NOT true,just because she wanted her Twitter flying Monkeys to fight to get her back in the good books of a Prominent Feminist who she had fallen out with on Twitter...the fact that my Dad lived with his second wife,LONGER than he ever lived with my Mum, and was never violent to her? Just inconvenient Truth...which doesn’t win you any points with powerful, influential people,who she thought she could beat down with her ‘superior’words!!!..laughable really,as she is always getting into twitter wars with anyone who disagrees with her...
Rant over..calmer now!..Explanation!...Howard,my Violent Ex husband works as a cleaner, the company he works for,Budgen motors, put on their Facebook page a photo of him being given a signed football shirt.. ok he has prostrate cancer, which has gone into his bones,so they are being nice,as he only has 5years to live,but it was just on their website and a dear friend, Chris,who hasn’t got a mean bone in his body shared it, Zan my daughter shared it,and people were commenting what a great “guy he is, a credit to the area where he grew up”...of course I wanted to comment back”maybe you should ask me and his other ex wife what he is really like, a wife beater, rapist, and a liar”so not such a credit to your area?...followed by a smiley face vomiting!
Of course thinking calmly, Joe has come back to the Lord, and been to church with me,and a Lady even gave him a page in her bible study notes, where it talks about Joseph’s struggle, which she knew were a prophetic word for for him...he was really touched, as it’s never happened before...which means all this recent stuff is just because the Enemy of our souls is Angry 😡 furious that so much good stuff is happening..
On the other hand, before all the aggro happened I was reading up about a woman called Erin Pizzy, who started the first women shelter, which she is now banned from even entering, by the radical feminist group who now run it,because she maintains that of the small proportion of violence in relationships,more than half the perpetrators are women!!...she bases this on her experience,but she has literally been attacked by people who want to make men the sole perpetrators, she has been ‘No platformed, when she has tried to bring her findings to the public..by Feminists,and even had death threats..
A young female filmmaker investigatated independentley Erin Pizzys findings and made a film called The Red Pill,(from the Matrix film where a character is given a red truth Pill).She says herself that she set out to prove the findings wrong,from the men’s organisation.MRA.What she found were men in good happy relationships, good fathers,who were all saying that they were beaten,in previous relationships and when the police were called they were arrested.
We are back in a time where only one Genders word is believed,when because they are one,They must be telling the truth,be above reproach?..yet it does treat women as always the victim, and Men as only the Violent ones!
As a Survivor of two Violent Husbands I have the right to say that MEN ARE NOT EVIL.
Of course it’s the Enemy who does this,making women out to be something more than human..the female Christ?...the New Age Goddess?...the Enemy hates women, right from Eve..
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