Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Come to me all ye who are heavy Laden and I will give you rest

Life is good very good! i have hopefully sorted out the Trike 'problem',which means i have no reason to contact any of my old "friends", they can get on with their lives and I can do the things the Lord has for me to do, He has taught me, a valuable lesson, that i can just rely on him and i don't need to have someone to go places with, i can go on my own,because i am NEVER alone, He is always with me! I even went to Birmingham at,on my own, and watched the wonderful sunrise when we did the International Show.
Of course the Enemy still has 'a go'at me tries to pull me down as he does with all those who believe,but today is a good day, I am aware that i am shielded from the things He doesn't want me to do,twice now despite my unease that i shouldn't go in a certain direction,He has given me circumstances where i couldn't do it anyway! praise Him.
Of course i am disappointed in those old 'friends',and my daughter,that they couldn't be better people, that my feelings weren't important enough for them to give up being friends with my Ex abusers, but i am seeing that really i haven't lost anything by because they weren't real friends anyway,and like all abusive people,they cant actually love or respect anyone,no one matters but them,others are just there to use!
Freedom is wonderful!! , God REALLY keeps His promises when He says"come to me all ye who are heavy laden and I will give you rest"

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