Thursday, 22 December 2016

New Grandchild nearly here!

Tash is in Amsterdam for Christmas,and i am here waiting for news about my fourth Grandchild,They started to induce the Baby this morning, so will be Praying, and have been for a few weeks now,all my Grandchildren are covered by the Covenant i made with the Lord years ago, so i am depending on Him to keep them all safe! Praise God,ANYONE who reads this should know that they to can turn to God,no-one is EVER too bad to be forgiven, God sees you, and knows your Heart, He knows you want a new Life, because you are so sick of your life now,He can and does change us, but we need to be willing to turn to Him, he knows we are sorry for all the bad stuff we have ALL DONE,He is waiting full of Love and care for us! please turn to Him!

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