Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Four generations.

She is here safely, on my Mum's birthday! and her second name is going to be Elizabeth! which was my Mum's name, so there is an Elizabeth in every generation, my sisters daughter is Elizabeth, but usually called Lizzie,and the new baby,my name is a derivative of Elizabeth,so that makes four Generations! Praise God for He is good!and Tashies second Name is Lysbet,after my mum,whose Dad always called her that, and Joe's little girl is called Ellie after me, but really after my Mum!
Even more great family news, which i can't share yet, but this is turning out to be the best Christmas EVER!

Thursday, 22 December 2016

New Grandchild nearly here!

Tash is in Amsterdam for Christmas,and i am here waiting for news about my fourth Grandchild,They started to induce the Baby this morning, so will be Praying, and have been for a few weeks now,all my Grandchildren are covered by the Covenant i made with the Lord years ago, so i am depending on Him to keep them all safe! Praise God,ANYONE who reads this should know that they to can turn to God,no-one is EVER too bad to be forgiven, God sees you, and knows your Heart, He knows you want a new Life, because you are so sick of your life now,He can and does change us, but we need to be willing to turn to Him, he knows we are sorry for all the bad stuff we have ALL DONE,He is waiting full of Love and care for us! please turn to Him!

Monday, 19 December 2016

Pastor Emmanuel.

Well its almost Christmas! a time of year i am not fond of,as my brother died on Christmas day, 1978.its been a bit boring here, not much has been happening,Andre rang up last week and asked what had happened between me and Mike, i told him and being the peacemaker he is he said he wants to fix it, when they come in January,for us to meet and hash it all out,but i soon put a stop to that!
Mike has decided to have Howard in his life and not me, i still care about him as a brother in the Lord, and forgive completely but of course i am not going to be around Mike on my own because he has been verbally aggressive towards me, and i am scared of him...very sad but its his choice.
I have been supporting a Pastor in Zimbabwe for about 15 years, and that seems to be coming to an end now, as the Pastor has been refusing to give us any information or items for prayer, despite promising to since October, its all very strange, but i know the Lord is in it, My friends Andrew and Lexie have also been sending money, with their Prayer group of Pensioners,none of them under 70!
I feel a bit sad and guilty about it, but its not much to ask, he could send updates from his friends, his country has been struggling for a while, and he may be worried about sending information which could get him in trouble if his government found out...

Monday, 12 December 2016

....., the whole....., and nothing but the .....

I am making an effort to study the Bible more,( previously i was only reading it two to three times a week, and i am sorry to say,struggling to do even that, which as i have said before is so wrong because the Lord blesses me every time i do,as He does with all His children.)The Word,(Bible) is a "living" book, so full of life and blessing to us, its the manufacturers handbook,the Fathers Love letter to us, a guide for our Lives, and is How God the Holy Spirit speaks to us, it how we learn about Him.
Yesterday it was Ephesians 6, a passage i usually rush through because i feel i know it so well!..Yesterday i was struck by the various items of Armour and how the are so significant to us,first its the Belt of Truth, which goes round the middle of us, around our very core!Jesus said He is "the Way the Truth and the Life" and also "the Truth will set you free",yesterday it struck me that by putting on the belt of Truth first, we are saying to the world, the Enemy that our Faith is true, THE TRUTH,we may be mocked by the World, by People, but when His Love is shown to people who don't believe, it stuns them, the cant fail to be drawn in,"what is so different about these people", but its not US! its the iresistable Love of God, which HE chooses to show through us flawed Humans sometimes!
Going back to how the belt surrounds us, we are within it, its like it says in the Bible,about the Hedge of protection, we are surrounded by His Truth, we Love the Truth,which is not just a meaningless word but a Person,as C.S.LEWIS, says we are confronted not by an argument which demands out agreement, but by a Person, who demands nothing from us, but we cant help but Love Him.

Friday, 9 December 2016

New Stalking Laws, and woman's bravery

I was so excited when i heard today that a government minister Amber Judd, has brought in a new amendment to the stalking law,giving Police the Power to take action when a person reports Stalking, until i read that it is only about stranger stalking,which leaves out all those being stalked by and Ex-husband boyfriend or girlfriend.
Parliament is talking about violence towards women and another female M.P. very bravely spoke out about being Raped as a 14 year old girl, by a family friend.Its an interesting time in the media here in England at the moment, as Footballers have spoken out about being abused as Kids by people who were trusted to take care of them...

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


I have been feeling rotten for the last week, i thought at first it was because i was struggling with some obsessive thoughts, but i just pray in tongues when they come and God takes it away! Praise Him!..its the same when i have trouble forgiving, or the Enemy brings up bad memories from the past,instead of taking three days to get over it, and the "runs", its gone in a day if i just address it and ask God for help, by specifically forgiving that person out loud...again...and again..God has endless patience with me, thank goodness!!