Friday, 14 October 2016

letting go...

It was my brother Mikes 55th birthday on the third of October, and i have put a photo of him on facebook. If anyone wants to read about that day, they can get onto the carewriteblog spot and read about it, its called Christmas day. Mike(my ex friend) has had a breakdown,he had insisted on fixing my car, and as it hard to contradict him when he is in the throws of a Manic, bi polar attack, i gave in.. it was at his house for nearly a month and he had hardly done anything to it.
Two weeks ago he rang me and said he had decided to charge me £200,(it cost £30) to fix it! i was horrified of course and rang him on the Friday and said i didn't want it to be done for a few months, he then insisted that he was going to do it anyway!..shouting over me!,again it was the same situation of me not being able to 'cross' him, after several phone calls to me last week when he insisted i buy a small plastic part, which i had told him before i was not able to buy at the time because i was having to pay a large £500 bill for the half yearly rent of the caravan site.The garage, which eventually fixed it just reused the old one!!
I was having a nasty phone call from him nearly everyday, one where he was very suspicious of a baseball bat i had in the car!,'why' he asked over and over again, i was trying very hard not to disagree with him and i just thought as soon as the car is done i don't need to talk to him again, then he said if the "cars not moved by Friday i will have it towed away"! and slammed the phone down on me!
He was scary, and very aggressive,i told him the reason for the bat, (because i have grandchildren,i never know when i would be playing baseball with the grandchildren, or just hit the ball for the dog), i was getting increasingly annoyed about having to justify myself or my choices,when he started on about the car,and said "well i thought you were given money to fix the car, why cant you use that?" and other stuff, he was using information i had shared with him against me!!`, and without the fact that he would be telling other people my business, especially Howard.
So it seemed however i tried not to upset or confront Mike, the usual tactics i have used over the years to pacify him were not working!!,i know it was the Enemy, it was very strange, and has never happened before! I know he is ill, i have made allowances for this for many years, but this was different,he has never been aggressive verbally to me EVER,this was new, I WAS TARGETED...
This was a new behaviour...intriguing... after a few days of this strange behaviour i put the phone down on him.
On Monday i did a reckless thing and went to get the car from his house on my own, but the Lord had provided someone else there so i had no need to be scared,it was interesting to see his changed attitude in front of someone else!!,he didn't talk to me at all in the way he was doing on the phone! he tried to get the occasional digs in(,i.e that i had told him to mind his own business about the money for the insurance,never mind the shouting down the phone at me or the talking over me, the refusal to let me have my car back, and the slamming down of the phone at least three times!!!..), but i let it go, i got the car away!!, but now i just have to decide what to do with the Trike! (which is still at his house), and has been for years, that's the only thing that gives him any reason to contact me, its in Gods hands now if HE wants me to keep it He will find a way!
On Sunday it was the biker church Rememberence at the Raven Cafe, for those who have lost their lives in the past year, and i thought Mike may be around as he goes to a nearby hotel for his Sunday lunch, but it was about an hour after he usually goes, so i didn't think i would see him, or he would be there! just to be sure i parked the car, well behind some others so it couldn't be seen from the road,but about twenty minutes later he parked right behind me!.I was waiting in the car for some other people to turn up, and then he said as he went past really aggressively and said'what are you doing here!! so nothing had changed!!!,then i decided i would take my car from his house the next day.
I know the Enemy has been using Howard, to stress Mike out, but this change in his attitude has been quite an 'eyeopener' to me, i have sometimes seen this anger and nastiness directed at other people before,Darren and Peter,and strangely enough after this they have not wanted to see Mike again!
So its been an interesting time! i feel good in a way that i did not allow myself to be intimidated into blaming myself for his accusations, or allowed myself to be spoken to disrespectfully!..on the phone anyway! it would have been a different matter face to face, but i don't have a death wish!!!.
I feel quite good about not justifying myself, or trying to explain how unjust he was being,something i have always fallen into the trap of doing, but i feel best about not agonizing over his actions, or his disrespectful behaviour to me, and not about the decision not to have him in my life anymore, he and that very sad man Howard can sit and compare notes about how unreasonable i am!!,but the Lord has given me some really good friends who actually care about me,and some of them are men, who are really good friends, so i can have relationships with the other sex, healthy productive,friendships with the goal of getting the Lords word out, and those TWO have no healthy relationships or even friendships with other men, or even women,i suppose i should be happy about that , i am not,i cant help but be sad for them,but not enough to try to fix them!!

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