Saturday, 20 August 2016

Not a fight.

The Enemy has been trying to have a "go" at me through my family in the last few days,it did upset me for a few minutes, but not any longer than that! (it is a photo of Howard with Max at His ex wife's house where his son was with his and Rebekah's REAL Grand-daughter who was visiting from China, obviously it was him having Max there, his fake,"first Grandchild" which he tells everyone at the church!)
He knows this has ruined my relationship with my Daughter,and i could cause a lot of trouble for him by telling his son and Rebekah the lies he is telling about being Zannie's "Dad", and MAX's Grandfather!!...But i wont,how other people choose to behave is between them and God,but i don't have to join in! Most of all i am responsible to God for how i behave,its not a fight if its only one sided!! he can just get on with it! it only affected me for a few minutes, the rest of the 99.9% of the time i never give him or Jon a second thought, sad sad men!!
Its going to be really hot today! but its great that i have air conditioning in the new car, so it's not too hot for the dogs!!

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