I have been thinking a lot recently about the different perceptions of women and men,i wouldn't touch, pat or caress any part of another human beings body, (that i am not related to),is it just me? have i got an overlarge area of personal space? Are men more "touchy feely" than women, or is it that as some feminists say we as women feel like Prey animals?,even in his book "the gift of fear" by Gavin Becker,it says that women have a greater instinct to mistrust others,in the queue at the post office a man stood uncomfortably close behind me, and even though i had been reading up on how to shame them verbally into retreating, i said nothing! but being defiant i did not move an inch,because i felt he was trying to make me move forward, i probably read it wrong, knowing me!
I am out of the house more,and interacting with other people i have come into contact with a lot more men than before,and the social graces are a puzzle to me!.I just thought it was bikers that hugged!
These men are ones i work with to get out the Gospel, and i would trust them with my life,but it just highlights to me that Women's bodies are NOT a no go Zone,and even when we are old and fat,because i have arms put round me,kissed patted hugged, have my pony tailed pulled![happened twice, once by a previously very highpowered retired Ex Policeman!],and have my waist length hair stroked,my cross on my CHEST picked up and examined...another one took off a chain which was attached to my waistcoat front! while i was wearing it!, its not sexual,these are Born again believers,its a puzzle!!
I did not come from an affectionate family AT all,so it was weird to get used too!..But when a very large leather clad Biker gives you a bear hug there is not much you can do about it!! Please don't get the idea that i mind all this affection at all,its just puzzling! must just be men being more affectionate than me!!
The Lord in His gentle way has used this to heal some last vestiges of the past with me,its not many years since my lovely teacher at college reached up to get something from the cupboard above my head and i cringed onto the floor,because he is a Man,so today (12.9.16) it really is GLORY to God,He has healed me so much!this aspect of the whole thing never really was understood by me!! in fact because God has done this in His GENTLE WAY, without me even knowing,from that incidence at College, to the point yesterday when Brian wanted to show someone i was part of the C.M.A, So flattened out my hoodie to show the c.m.a.logo on MY CHEST!! it was on my mind all day! and i finally know why, because God has healed so much of the past and i didn't hit the floor!!GOD is so good, Praise Him!
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