Monday, 20 June 2016

Rain rain go away,come again another day.. and another and another.....

Its raining again, it seems to have been raining here in England for weeks,after a few weeks of good sunny weather, then the deluge! its strange is the longest day,17 hours of daylight, and a full moon. maybe this has something to do with the weather..(although for most of the c.m.a things we have done the rain has stayed away, even when there has been rain all around us! thank you Lord!!) I am getting the house sorted out,last week i was able to clean up some things that had been bothering me for a while, Ben's not been emptying his bin, and stopped cleaning up after the dogs,so we were able to do that together,and make a new start, sometimes things get overwhelming,but quietly plugging away at things can be the best way to deal with it!
I have replaced the glass in the sliding doors, (i could have done that this week when i would have had the money, but used the money i was going use to go away in the caravan !!i get sort of fixated on doing something and don't think about the consequences until too late!!of course this week i have plenty of money, but not the good weather to go there!)
There has been some terrible things happening in the news,in Orlando in America,a gunman shot dead forty nine people for being gay, i cried with the mothers,sisters fathers who were interviewed on t.v, my dear Sister in Him, Terry Loving wrote a wonderful piece on her site "spiritual side of domestic violence", rebuking a Pastor who said some hateful stuff about Gay People, all i know is that we are all His children,and since i have a friend who has a Gay Son,i feel so sorry for those poor parents.
I have never met a hateful Gay woman or man, but i have met plenty of hateful so called "Christians", and as i have said before my friend from college Michelle was so loving and kind, i even said to her " a lot of people i know would not talk to you" yet lovely Gay Michelle showed more Love, more Christ like Love that those who proudly boast of being called by His Name....
The world has changed so much, and i suppose it is hard for everyone to get used to new things, or new attitudes to Gods children,I am no saint, NO not at all,i have sinned, and i still do, i struggle with Un-forgiveness EVERY day, i think bad thoughts about people who have hurt me for no more good reason than they enjoyed seeing me suffer,but i have heard the Voice of God speak into my hateful thoughts,saying "Don't you think I can make him into the man you need him to be" while i was thinking what a stupid, thick, man my Husband was, Howard! but i still think those very thoughts!! even after i was stopped in my tracks by hearing His actual Voice!! so i fail, i do the wrong thing everyday, i don't deserve His love,i am a filthy rotten sinner, so how dare i ever Judge someone else?....

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