My Mum was a nurse and as a lot of health professionals do, she used to be asked medical questions in social situations, i can remember her Glazed look!!.. and the sympathetic noises she made!!,i was thinking about that the other day with a smile,when i was talking to a lady called Jenny who was at the branch meeting, who is also a Nurse, i was going to ask her if she gets the same thing too...
I was amused by that until it happened to me tonight!!, I have had two phone calls from abroad today, both people were speaking English, but it was still very hard to understand them because they have strong accents, I could only really understand a few words in every sentence...So I make sympathetic noises, and lie by pretending I understand what they are saying, we have a lot of Indian call Centre's who ring here in England,and it is very hard to understand what they say too, and they are reading from a script and get completely thrown off if a question is asked which is not on their list!!...
I hate offending others and put their feelings well above mine,but by not being honest i am really lying to them,and of course it can get dangerous when speaking to a doctor who cant understand.. so i lie,by pretending i understand.. so do most British people!.. Someone who Mike met when he was in Mental Hospital rang me tonight, and like a lot of people i know talks and talks, its completely one sided, if i try to speak i am talked over, so even thought they are stealing my time i just sit and murmur "oh yes" "that's nice for you", when i am really steaming inside...and it makes me feel somehow less than human, because they are acting like i don't deserve to be treated with respect, which of course is exactly what the Enemy wants!!..(Darren does it, but i always tell him, or put the phone down quickly,"i am going now , bye", but he has a slight excuse because he has Asperger's!!)...or even worse when they pause, and i start talking, but they aren't listening just waiting for me to finish so they can speak again!!,and just carry on as if i never spoke, its just a selfish monologue for them..they are Selfish Selfish people...I wonder what it is about me that attracts these deficient people?, who really don't have any idea about social interaction... Howard used to say"i am only saying" when he was shocked because his words had hurt and annoyed me, as if words were small insignificant things with no power,but being a very tall, handsome, intimidating man, he felt he didn't have to socialise with others or even attempt to be pleasant or kind..even our old friends, would avoid him if they saw him when they were all in the Pub,because he thought of himself as a lot cleverer than he was, and made no effort to get on with other people,my opinion of this used to be that he really did not have the capacity to get on with others, because he was basically "rather stupid".. which was so wrong because he is NOT stupid, he managed to have a very cunning,spiteful side,cunning people are not "stupid"!!.
Someone else i knew, Sue used to love to get me to be sympathetic to her, she did it with everyone,she came across as quite "stupid" as well,but if she didn't get the attention she craved would be very spiteful, and cunning!!.. being a woman she didn't get violent as Howard did...people felt sorry for her, but she would end up as some kind of emotional leech, nothing was every right in her life, and she was just waiting to dump her emotional garbage on anyone who would listen..
One thing interesting to me is all these people call themselves "Christians", but really had no relationship with Christ,no gifts or baptism of the Holy Spirit, the woman goes to Church,but has no depth of a relationship with Christ, and has told me she watches Pornography and doesn't even think it was wrong!!,Howard works in a Church every day, has even been baptised,goes to Church on Sundays,but has no relationship with the living Christ.
He has no conscience about coming between my daughter and me, lying to others about me..i have seen his sneering face,a few years ago,when he was going to church, so carefully hidden from others,that face shows me there is NO change in him...I could be biased, but I have no witness of the Spirit with any of these people!!..
All these people come out of one mould,the same as Abusive violent men, or women.They put on a good front, they talk the talk,"Christian-eze",they have some initial charm, which is just a thin suck others in.
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