Thursday, 27 October 2011

Called home,to the One he loves, (more than me)

Well,God has been showing me some things through the passing of the faithful hound, mostly that even a dog can go to heaven, before he died he would lift his head and tilt it as if he was trying to hear something,i thought at the time that he was just halucinating,and dismissed it,but he was looking at someone he knew well and was waiting for instruction,I was the person he liked most in the world, and he was not looking at me!!..,i think it was like in the 'Last Battle' where Lucy hears the voice of the person she likes most calling her home,she like her Dad most, but it was not him! obviously Our Heavenly Father,been a big lesson to me,Most Christians say dogs don't got to heaven,he was my faithful hound, but he was Gods before me!I had prayed hard that he would not die,unless it was Gods will,and also that if he was going to go, it would be quick,he was only sick a day!
Also reminds me about the 'Wind in the Willows' where Rat and Mole, have a Spiritual encounter with the Animal 'god' Pan,don't really know why though!!!
I feel pretty annoyed with myself, after looking at the calender and seeing that i had wasted THREE months of my life getting wound up about the Ex and his tricks,of course much as i would like to blame him i know it is the enemy!!!...

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