Saturday, 10 July 2021

The Devil made me do it! 'it was your fault I hit you'..

Wow, how many times have i heard the last part of this title? many many!!, like most of these abusers 'Victims',from Abusers twisted logic,'I am God you must obey me'the uk used to have a blog called Victim Blaming, and its a shame but i think it has closed down now. Who are the worst victim blamers?,a close second is the Vile Abuser, but the worst is us, me, i blamed myself , of course..i was trained to do that, mostly unfortunately by my feminist but timid mother,everything i shared with her was examined for my 'fault'...not a nice thing to grow up with..but parents are not perfect, just ask my children!! I was telling someone yesterday about how when i was telling the Abusive, wife beater rapist Howard, that he had to go because i didnt want to be beaten anymore, he actually SAID the words..." if i had only had a bit of support from you",a form of Victim blaming!! (i gave him emotional support,every type of 'support')..i wish i had said 'did you want me to 'support' your arm up while you beat me, like someone did for an old testament prophet,(Moses i think,while his arm was raised their side was winning) so the good guys could win the war... oops i feel an 'Urge' from somewhere that he has already been judged as he has died? i dont know where that came from?...i am not overwhelmed today by the unjustness of it all. as i have been in some of the last few posts...i just write this to help others...incase anyone ever reads this stuff...maybe my children will read it when i am gone, i would have loved to have known better how my Mum thought, but she never kept a diary..