Wednesday 8 July 2020

Ignorant of the Enemy, and His devices..

Well its happened the ex Howard, has succeeded in ruining my relationship with one daughter and almost with the other one, that’s as much as i am willing to say,I won’t gloryify the Enemy by baring my Soul, much as I want to!..
He (Howard) dropped a small bit of poison in their minds ten years ago, and since then it has been working away in there and of course that seed has now come to fruition
Solicitors cant help,police wont help, this man has and still is ruining every precious relationship in my life, except one, and of course i feel like i am holding onto that with my finger nails, but He is holding me in the palm of my hand, not letting me go,
Praise Him!

Of course its only been a month,and everyone’s pretty raw,i have been called a Liar,verbally abused,as always with this evil,from the Pit of the Enemies camp, i have apologised for any pain caused,to those who are affected,but I haven’t lied,i didnt cause the Pain.
Obviously, i am not going to continue to explain myself and certainly will not put up with any future verbal abuse.
I did the best i could in a traumatic situation, where i was Raped, abused,and shunned, but we all survived, and those people who are judging me Have no CLUE of  my journey
So its really up to them if they want me to be in their lives, i will hold my head up high, and walk proudly as a loved daughter of the most High God, Lord of Lords,.