Friday, 21 February 2020

Artemisia,Tassio and Jay

Artemesia was a very famous painter in mediaeval times,fearlessly which was unusual enough,she painted women very well,usually suffering women, a lot who were suffering at the hands of men, the hands of the men they trusted, and who should have protected them,
Jay was a young 20 year old marine just hanging aroundd a beach in his time off work, a beautiful specimen of manhood, who looked younger than his age, he says about 15,.both were eager and anxious to succeed in life and both came across the most vile,manipulative predators, ..
Unusually the woman got justice of a kind for her attack, Jay escaped, unknowingly for thirty years until he was researching on the internet, he found the Gay man who he spent the afternoon with, he he was entranced by, a man with no redeeeming features, described really as a troll in looks,many other young marines were not as lucky as Jay, he murderd them after drugging, and torturing them while they were still alive...
Artemisia was a young woman the only female in a family of males who was trained to paint by her father,who was also a painter,a friend of the family Tasso,then Raped her , and she took him to court.he did not let Tassis actions define her life,she went on to be successful and one of the major painters after Carravaggio.
I wondered why women stay with their abusers, before i became a battered woman myself, those outside cannot understand why successful women, intelligent women stay after the first punch, what sort of hold do these men have,to me its encapsulated in Jay Roberts story,’the Evil ‘which is just so attractive,promoting trust in the targets,.
If Evil shows its true face, without all the charm and manipulation, who would fall for it?


Well its just as well no one took me up on that bet, as he didnt turn up!!! But it didnt stop the whole thing from being ruined for me! But he would have known that because he knows me well!..
I have been developing some hobbies,houseplants is the main one, i have a very large Swiss cheese plant, monstera deliciousa, which I take outside every year for the summer, but it really is too big now, the leaves get damaged every time i bring it in or take it out!,but i spend a lot of time looking at this was a cutting off a plant my Mum had so it means a lot to me, also i grew it from a small piece of her old plant which was dying.
I have been sorting the house out as well which although a slow process is very cathartic,i hate throwing things away(my children would say i am a borderline hoarder) but it really does look better, my dining table has been a dumping ground for so long, Tash my daughter says we have all been really affected by the Girls being taken away, its upset all of my family,i feel as if i have been “stuck” as if time stopped.we all do.
The enemy has been trying to destroy my family, but he wont succeed, because the Lord is in charge of me and my families life , not the enemy!.It says in the Bible that God restores the years the locusts have eaten, not sure where in the Bible, but i am holding onto the promise of my Master, not the father of lies.
God is good...ALL THE TIME!