Monday, 20 May 2019

Actions speak louder than words.

It’s obvious really, apparently Abraham Lincoln, an American President said it,sometimes I talk to People on the Internet,usually Quora, so many abuse victims believe what the abuser say, rather than their actions, they say ‘I love you’but The next day they are beating you, trying to kill you,strangle,kick us, why do we believe can there be such a distance between our perceptions of the action and the words...why didn’t it immediately jump into my mind?..maybe growing up with a very strict father,and a Mum who seemed constantly stressed...and mostly never stood up for us when he was unfairly strict,I defended my kids from being hit,Jon knew that was the line he should never cross, I make decisions for my life, they don’t...but maybe in a way I controlled the relationship by setting those boundaries...?
Another thing I have noticed on Quora anyway,that most of the abused are thrown away,when the Abuser finds someone else,but that never happened to me, I alway made them leave,I find comfort in that, but then again that could be a trap of the Enemy,trying to make me prideful?