Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Throne Room for Helen

We had a great weekend, there was a dirt bike show in Telford, not too far away from here, we were only going to go on one day, Sunday, but in the end we were there both days, we gave out a lot of Biker Bibles, and Mike is on fire!! full of zeal for the Gospel,at first i was worried, he has been going through a phase of not wanting to talk, in fact couldn't wait to get me off the phone!! Praise God for all his love and care for us! I went to the Throne Room yesterday for Helen, and now i am leaving in in Gods hands.

Victim blaming and a serial rapist,and Very Brave women.

I have been reading the excellent blog called" Everyday victim blaming", and as usual it points out the injustice done to victims of crime who are blamed by the criminals, and society. A police officer in America,Daniel Holtzclaw,has been convicted and sent to over 200 years in prison, which would be wonderful if only he will actually serve that time!!, i know in Britain criminals come out of prison having not served much time at all, one criminal served 15 years for killing 5 people,(and shooting eight,he was in a secure mental hospital,not even in prison),so he was locked up for an average of three years per person.Which stops the truth coming out because the victims familys could pass them in the street
An online newspaper called SB, a sports newspaper, published an article, basically defending the criminal Policeman, and feeling sorry for his parents, and i did feel very sorry for them too, they have spent their savings, and pensions to pay for the Court case.And although i am tempted to think that as parents they must have failed to make their son accountable for his actions, as in my experience of Domestic violence both of the parents of the criminals made excuses, for their sons,who were "never" at fault, then i felt that Holtzclaws parents were victims too..., they are certainly suffering now.
He made the decision to commit these criminal act, and as always it comes down to despising another person, to look at them and think they 'are not as good as me and i deserve to be in control of them', because they are poor, or weak or already vulnerable, have had trouble with drugs and been arrested many times.Before this "man" assaulted his victims, he checked their records to find vulnerable women,he was already being investigated for 6 weeks before he was finally arrested, a few hours after assaulting a 57 year old grandmother, who probably because she was older, went straight to the Police.He attacked 5 women after his investigation started, the 57 year old lady, Mrs Ligans is now suing them,because she feels they did not protect her by getting him off the streets. While the Victim Impact statements were happening Holtzclaw , who up to then had been"stoic and controlled" let his mask slip, and showed" rage- and glared at them", even the SB reporter says "showing observers a brief glimpse of his loss of power" and obviously the real man that his victims had seen as he assaulted them,with his gun in its holster just a feet away from these poor women. One of the victims statement came from a 17 yr old woman who he had raped on her mothers porch,who was now is too scared to leave the house.
A lot of people are wondering why this case has not been in the media, as has been the case when black men have been gunned down by Police officers,because these Brave women he attacked were black...The serial rapist is Asian,the implication being that these people are somehow not worth our trouble because they aren't of white European descent? as well as poor?
I have read the site set up by Holtclaw's sister,and the article which (has been taken down by SB,),as usual, victim blaming centres on what the Women were doing out late at night,veiled implications that they were "street" workers,(prostitutes) that some had been smoking drugs, and drinking, and that some almost "incapacitated by drugs". What does this matter? in my opinion, it makes the Criminal even more reprehensible.
The "Holtzclaw is innocent" site, makes much of the fact that only one woman, the 57 year old grandmother Mrs Ligans, was the only one who went to the Police,the Police had gone to the other Women and asked them if they had been attacked, some eventually admitted it, after being very unwilling, some lied, out of fear.I am amazed any of them ever admitted to Police what had happened to them.They are brave, and i admire them, i don't think i would have been so brave. The site also makes much of the different statements of Mrs Ligans family, about when she returned home,directly after the assault,its baffling,"why do three people have such different reports of her return home, " i may be stupid but what does that matter? why does what she said to them matter, surely that's hearsay anyway! they asked her family what time she returned, what she said to them? .What does it matter? except of course to somehow make them look less than human in the Juries eyes?.. or to make them look like liars?.
Why would all these women lie about these attacks as the "innocent" site is implying!! Why would all the police officers in that area get together to condemn a police officer? It doesn't happen!!...This whole trial and rapist has uncomfortable similarities to the Cases in England where young vulnerable girls, where targeted by men, and for too long was covered up because the men were from the Muslim community.
In a recent case,in Rotherham, England,in the last few days another Peadophile ring has been convicted, these men despised these young white women as lower,less human somehow than them.(they were Arabs).. In Birmingham ,England in the 1970's another 17 year old girl,Jill and her family were having a quiet night in with her family, when the next door neighbour shot her father and brother in their front drive,then shot her five times,and shot and killed her Mum after he burst into the house, she heard her Mums last breath.He then went on the run for 12 hours, shooting another 4 innocent people, in total he murdered five,Julie Birkits whole family died, and she has suffered may years years of terror that he would come back and 'finish the job', by killing her, he was let out of hospital,after just 15 years ( a secure mental unit after being diagnosed with Schizophrenia,)he went back to Birmingham, and settled only 6 miles from where Jill lived, then spent the next 6 years being the 'neighbour from hell' to another innocent Birmingham family who eventually moved to their In-laws, just to get away from Him,he tracked them down and appeared at the house, and said you' don't know what i can do'.This alarmed the local police who looked into his background and found out that he was the Murderer,from the 1970's, the Police found guns and a home made bomb in his house.All though supposedly diagnosed with a severe mental illness, when he was arrested for his first crime, Williams said"you would have done the same if you were me, they werent people just things"....At the time of these murders Jill's family were called 'noisy'.She very bravely went to see him sentenced in court,ready to challenge anyone who would lie about her family again,her family were vindicated.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Flat tyre

Its been a strange week,we broke down about 20 miles away on the way back from the Branch meeting, the tyre on Mikes car blew and we were stranded on the side of the road for an hour and a half, in -2 degree temperatures,the meeting had been emotional, we were talking about healing.It seems a few others there have been going through the same thing as me!..someone even said it had shook their faith...Tony is going to help to find me a new caravan, which is very nice of him and an answer to an unspoken prayer, and we have the first bike show of the year this weekend, and by Gods good graces we have a stand right in the foyer of the huge building, so almost everyone who is there has to go past us!

Friday, 12 February 2016

Post traumatic stress disorder?

I am not feeling very much like sharing my life at the moment,things were going very well and the Enemy has had a try at bringing me down,but with the Lords help i have been able to turn what the Enemy meant for bad into good, i dont really want to talk about the bad stuff, i wont give the Enemy of our souls any credit!! or talk about him and his efforts to separate us from the Lord , because the Bible says "NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD!!..He cant do it!! i cant give him credit because i have separated myself, or tried to anyway!! I turned away, for years at one point, but He is always waiting because He is the perfect Father He is with open Arms!!
I am decorating my house, i have been trying to work out how long it has been,horrified to realise it could be up to 15 years!! ouch! So in my very slow way i am going to do it,yesterday for instance,it took me about three hours to wash down the wall by the frond door, and do the cutting in... and area of only 8 feet by 8 feet! i am trying not to get daunted by the thought that this is a 3 storey house,4 bedrooms, 8 rooms in total!! I can only do about 20-30 mins before i have to rest,for about the same amount of time...so its going to be a slow process!!!
Mike is annoying me a lot at the moment,he wanted desperately to have the local bikers meeting at his house, which of course makes it hard for me, because any regular meeting there will end up with Howard being' accidentley on purpose' turning up there if he knows i am there, which for all his selfishness i dont want Mike upset when i will have to call the police...So i have let the Enemy in today, in fact i have done his work for him, i got myself in such a state today that i am not able or go out to the Gospel Choir..there is something in the Bible somewhere that says not to give "place to the unfruitful works of darkness", no idea where it is in the Word,but i do know that Jesus does not want me to give any time to the bad things in the past as well as letting the bad things/people win,and giving them power over me!!,i have been looking on the internet about Post Traumatic Stress disorder,i did a sort of pop quiz on one of these sites, i got a score of 17/22, which was very high...the verdict was "you have many signs of Post traumatic stress disorder" ah well, that explains the diarhia, vomiting, and fainting then! Doh!!

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Biker Church

I went to the Biker Church on Sunday, i haven't been for 6 months, (because i was still offended by one of the guys who run it, talking dirty at a biking event!) It turned out that the person wasn't there anyway, but i don't really think I will travel all that way again, it was 120 miles,just me and Sandra, but I had forgotten how much she talks!!, and my head was ringing a lot by the time i had spent 3 hours diving the car with her!! we missed a few turns,not nice I know...I am fasting this morning for Helens healing.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Dementia and nasty neighbours

So tired,... been have a clear out and general clean, been ill so often recently that I have really got behind with everything.I have been learning some hard lessons recently about trusting God for healing for Helen,I know He has the power to do it,I have no doubt about that at all,God can do anything,but my problem has been in the past that He doesn't always Heal when I ask Him,so it must not be in His plan.
I was watching John Paul Jackson,and he made the point that the Bible says the we should ask and believe,he was saying that that even thinking that God will choose not to heal is Doubt!!.When my Mum was ill I prayed and Prayed that she would be healed, she wasn't,I was really convinced she was going to 'wake up' from her dementia!...
It looks like the awful neighbours next door are moving out, and I am trying very hard not to be really delighted,or give them the finger as they leave!!.. well maybe not trying as hard as I could!!.I did give them the finger, but they couldn't see me!! but God does!..Like my son-in law Andy said I really am a terrible Christian.... that was 8.pm, its 2.am now and I have been woken up by banging noises,just was dozing on the settee because Ben is still awake, the banging noises? its the awful neighbours, still not moved out, they have a car outside, on the double yellow lines, and are slamming the doors! no consideration at all for any one else, its typical of them,the car is just on the prow of the hill,on a bend,left hand side, and they are on the left, its pitch black(dark),no street lights, they have no lights on the car,so it is a danger to anyone driving up the hill, but they don't care..
The Lord has helped me to not say anything to then up until now, am just praying for the patience to see it out, have been reading the posts back when they were annoying me,( no need to freak out"4.11.2011,even the time when I took a parcel in for them, and she actually SNATCHED it out of my hand!!.no word of thanks!!,I laughed! The Lord has helped me, don't know where I got the patience from, its not me, its Him!! but I will keep praying for them even when and if they ever actually leave! so the Enemy has not had the victory,and I managed to pray a lot for them so the Enemy wont be happy about that!! this time anyway, oh another slammed car door outside my window! I am praying!!I can hear her strident bossy voice outside now, telling everyone else what to do!!! (she called me a bitch once when I was pottering around outside, just completely out of the blue! only half noticed as was deep in thought, didn't respond!!
I came in the house and thought "did she just call me a bitch"!!!.. more patience please Lord!! well, the car is leaving...but they maybe back tomorrow!! its Thursday now, a day and half later, and they did come back yesterday but now have GONE GONE GONE!!!!! and on Saturday the new neighbours moved in, i only knew because Ben was getting his coke from the car and i was standing by the front door, when their hire van pulled up on the pavement, and so far they have made no noise!The Shower has been fixed, its been a few months!