Tuesday 31 March 2015

Annoying ipad

I am without my trusty laptop at the moment,!so I am Using my very unreliable iPad, hard to charge,annoying!i blithely said I can use Bens but the key for @ does not work. Grrr! Silly me

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Great Meeting, and GREAT GOD!

We had a great meeting at Chris and Clares house yesterday, they want to know more about the Bible,and we do the Bible study We are doing as a Branch, which the National Executive of thee C.M.A requires we all do.We had a great day on Sunday at the Vintage Bike show in a tiny Village near here,a lot of Biker Bibles were given out, and they were some great conversations with the Un-Saved,God is good!! ALL the time1 Hallelujah!!

Saturday 21 March 2015

Eclipse,equinox and sleeping well!!

It was the eclipse yesterday, and the spring eqinox, and a super moon!! whatever that is!!..,things went a bit crazy here in the U.K...hundreds of thousands of people went outside to look at the Eclipse, which actually no-one can see with the naked eye anyway!!...such a non event.. it just went a bit dull and cloudy, there was an eerie sort of yellow light at the same time too.Now no one cares about that anymore becuse its the Rugby finals now so everyone is focused on that, oh the fickleness of us humans! I am sleeping a lot better now, except on tuesday/wednesday night when neither Ben or i could sleep i have been trying to find out whar celestial event was happening that night to cause us both not to sleep at all, very strange,I was on the point of going to the "Throneroom" i.e making a formal request to the Lord to stop the attack of the Enemy,i was going to read the book of Nahum in the house (which is the spiritual warfare book to read to force the Enemy to retreat, but i didnt do that either, God is good,ALL THE TIME!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Secretary, chairwoman, and Chairmen of Vice!!

I was voted in as the Secretary for the Branch of the Christian Motorcyclist Association which was very nice and encouraging! I really want to support all that the Branch does,Di was voted in(unanimously!)as the Chairman,Chris was voted in as the Vice Chairman jointly with Roland! So it was an exciting day yesterday, and Di asked me to do the minutes straight away!! eek!..bit daunting but did it!.I have been reading some of the official documents from the National meeting, Di has sent an excellent very funny letter talking about people being Members, or just supporters! as only memebers have voting rights which is rather silly as the whole organisation is supposed to be about evangelism, and Brian spoke about this yesterday, how he does not feel right about becoming a member or offical supporter and that all he wants to do is witness to Bikers, which is what it all is supposed to be about!...

Saturday 14 March 2015

Sleeplessness, and nights spent on the settee ,again!

Ben has been going through a bad phase of not sleeping, or being up all night and sleeping all day, a week ago i went through about two weeks of just sleeping on the settee because i just couldn't get to bed, as i cant leave him downstairs and go to bed because he has no sense of danger,so he is not safe to be left alone.(once something in the kitchen went on fire and just sat on his chair and ignored the smoke pouring into the room!!)
I know why this is happening,because i am going to be proposed as the Secretary for the Christian motorcyclist association for this county and the next one!..Great news and a real blessing, but the Enemy is not happy, i haven't been sharing anything bad that has been happening to me on this blog for a couple of months because i didn't want to give the enemy any clue that his tactics were getting through to me, which was probably a bit silly because the Enemy of our souls has had six thousand years of tempting people and he knows full well the effect he is having on me and mine..!! there are no secrets from Him on Earth anyway..
So some of the things i haven't shared? Andre was over and staying with Mike as per usual,of course (Howard the violent abusive ex had) to make an appearence, because he knows that Andre has my "ear",it WAS my fault he was mentioned, Andre said that he and Mike had been out playing darts with a great guy called Eddie, who is one of Howard's friends, and i jokingly said " Eddies a great guy just not happy with some of his friends", which of course opened the gate for comments from Andre,"Howard is really going on with the Lord, i do have a witness of the Spirit with him and believe he is really born-again", In fact the usual old rubbish, designed by the Enemy to bring me back into a "relationship" with Howard which would not be giving glory to God AT ALL!!, but the most annoying thing was said was that that "Howard forgives you".
I had opened the flood gates by a thought-less remark and not guarding my tongue, i had thought that because i was speaking to a trusted friend i didn't need to watch what i said...BIG MISTAKE, BIG BIG MISTAKE...We live and learn!! So i spent a couple of days annoyed with myself, which was well deserved!!
The next irritating incidence was with Rosanna, she decided she was going to talk about Howard coming around her house,(on facebook), i said she was showing a shocking lack of loyalty to me and her Dad Mark,(THE GOOD EX)!!i told her to chose and that i could not be in her life if he was,because she has chosen Him over me, and is letting him have a foothold in my life, which i wont allow, its strange she is one of those people, children of mine, i do love her but don't like her, she is another one just like my sister, with no loyalty to their Family.
I was upset by her betrayal in 2010 when this all started, and the lies he told about being her and Tashie's Dad,everyone in my family now know it was lies, but it did upset everyone for a while.I am not Sad,so the Enemy has not won in this incidence anyway! Praise the Lord!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Too nice..

I was reading an introduction to a book, on amazon cos I am too tight (mean) to pay for the whole book!.It was a worldly book, a kind of self help book for women, the subject was being "too nice" the Author thinks as women we seek approval over self respect.. Anyway the point I was trying to get to in this long winded way is that she set 20 questions, and a score of two was o.k over five and you had a problem, I scored 4! But I know that even a few months ago I would have scored much much more!!The Lord has been doing a work in me changing my nature! I innocently thought that I was changed enough and there was nothing much more the Lord could do for me...because obviously I was so perfect already! Joke! I knew I wasn't but it has come as a surprise, a wonderful surprise!! God is good...all the time!! Hallelujah, Praise God