Sunday, 20 July 2014

NOT cursing God and NOT Dying!!

I had 23 people view this blog on friday, very strange!!.., usually i get most views at the is quite weird to write this but get NO feedback! i would like to know who you are out there! i hardly ever get any comments or feedback,maybe its so boring they just skim over it to the next blog!!!, maybe its just the enemies servants who view this so they know how to de-rail me! I am NOT however going to make my friend Pete's mistake of saying.."the Devil can throw whatever he wants at me nothing will turn me away from the Lord" he didn't turn away from God!!.. but went through some very heart breaking things, in a "Job" like time in his life... I think the enemies servants have better people to attack than me!! i am very insignificant in the enemies eyes!! Yes we all have our personal battles, but its ususally with our sinful selves!.. very few of us are worthy of a personal attack from Satans servants!! i have had a few bad weeks,a speeding fine, a parking fine,my children all falling out on facebook,and yesterday i slipped on the pavemnet and now have a swollen knee and foot!! But i have bought a new Husky puppy who is delightful,i was amazed to find i am not allergic to Joe and Daisy's Husky dog Kodi, and have wanted to have a big dog myself which doesnt bark as much as Yorkshire terriers,its a male,so cute! Praise God!!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

More Trikes..and some alarming facts...

First for the nice things,we collected my Trike from Ken's Garage (who was fixing it), last friday, i tried to ride it but could not get the gears right, so Mike rode it back! I am going to spend some time slowly learning..So Friday Night when Ben was at Youth club we went for our first ride out and stopped at a Pub about 10 miles out of town,we got off and Mike went in to get us a drink,a woman sitting outside having a cigarette started to speak to me, she had been going to a local church and had been badly hurt there so had given up church, and God, so we spoke to her for a while, but while Mike was in the Pub the landlord asked him about the tike and said he had one , and was thinking of selling it!! so Mike bought it a few days later, it has a small trailer too, just the right size for lots of Biker Bibles, and even a gazebo!! Now for the not so nice things,i read in the newspaper yesterday that 1.2 million women are victims of domestic violence in the u.k, information from Women Aid, (an organisation who campaigns to end domestic violence), and also that U.k Police get a domestic violence call every Minute here....Its truly shocking, that women and children are suffering every day, and some Men too. We went to the garage Praise meeting and a young married woman gave her testimony,she had been brought up in a christian family but had rebelled and sought attention from men, and almost innevitably had moved in with a man called John,and had a baby,he became abusive and violent, or rather started showing his TRUE nature,she said she has truly forgiven, her name is Sarah, and is the only other woman who i have met in person who has come through with the Lords help,she is married now to a wonderful Christian man and has two children, the really touhing pArt to me though was when her husband held up the daughter who had been born out of the abusive relation ship and said"sophie wants you to knoew who she is,Everyone,this is Sophie mine and Sarahs daughter"...she has a wonderful new father, and Sarah has a wonderful new husband, Praise God! I am in touch with some other organisations on the internet, but with the exception of "spiritual side of domestic violence" by the wonderful Terry Loving, they all seem very bitter and unloving,and certainly very unforgiving, one organisation called a " cry for justice" trys to educate the church about how to deal with abuse victims, which is very Laudable, but abusers by their very nature, are "smooth talkers" (how else would they lure intelligent women into their lives)?!! They lie,to church leaders, "shes not submitting to me","its her fault","she is telling unjust lies about me", so the leaders end up believing the lies which are so convincing because the abusers genuinely believe them!!, the old "entitlement" excuse!!Psycopaths beieve they are totally justified in their murdering actions too...and of course Abusers have a little bit of the "pysco" in them too, as they also have no conscience!..

Friday, 4 July 2014

Great Orme, and Trike.

I used to start my diary which i started when i was eight with the sentence,"such a lot has happened since my last entry", well i am not going to SAY that this time, but that is what i mean!! Tash has moved to their 10 acre farm, and got a job!Joe and daisy are back home,and expect little Ellie May to be born at the end of August,Ben is not happy about Joe being here! And YESTERDAY I BOUGHT A TRIKE!!!.. which is a three wheel motorbike!!My sleeping is so much better,and we went to surprise a wonderful Brother at the great Orme in Llanduno,he is so selfless travels miles all over the country to serve the Lord and his brothers and sisters in C.m.a,quite an interesting experience, we were in the car,very exciting! God is good!!ALL THE TIME, praise Him!