Thursday, 27 March 2014

Vintage Motorcycle Show.

It went well on Sunday, i was able to tell a woman my testimony and how God has brought me through, i hope i have sown some good seeds there,or rather the Lord has used me for His purpose!I have taken Ben and Darren to a coffee morning and we are going to a special service at the same church this afternoon for Mentally handicapped people,, it was really great to meet a lady there who i had not seen for 30 yrs and she remembered me too,on Sunday at the local Bike show a woman remembered me from a Bikers Pub 30 yrs ago, she goes to the same church too now as well,its a small world!..Brian even went to the same Pub at the same time too, but in the Bar we were in the loungue, because Marks brother went in the Bar, and he didn't want to be where his younger brother was!

Saturday, 22 March 2014

New Chapters,and obedience

I am struggling at the moment, the Enemy is having a 'go' as we say here in the U.k,the last week i have not been sleeping even though i am tired,it first began when i didn't spray round the boundary before the full moon, if i don't i am guaranteed a sleeples night, but this has been a sleepless week!..Dr Rebbecca brown who wrote the book 'He came to set the captives free' 'standing on the rock'and other books,is very hepful to me about the enemies tactics, and how he attacks Believers, and trys to Hnder the Lords work, I think i know why i am the subject of this present attack,I am going to my first bike show tommorow,i dont expect to bring people to the Lord, or do any great things,but i do know that this is the direction the Lord wants me to go in,and i persoanally have wanted this myself for years...
Brian the chairman of the local Christian motorcycle Association,has known Mike for years, and last year had been thinking about him one sunday, on his way to church,Mike had asked me to look on the Internet for a church that did a service on Sunday Night, and not many do now,the only one that does just happened to be the one that Brian had been going to for years, He walked in and there was Mike!!..(Mike and i had fallen out for about a year, but to be truely honest i was upset with him, about choosing the Ex, Howard over me,and had not talked to Him for over 7 months, and of course the whole scam artist thing, which as we know ended very badly for Mike,and i suppose i was angry with him because he would not listen to my warning about her, and i had called him a 'Mug'...which i had to apologise to him about....So in Gods timing it was all sorted out, i had to be obedient, apologise,and be the connection for Mike to be there,God spoke to Brian's heart about Mike, and now after all the trauma of the Ex husband stalker, Howard. God has brought us into a new chapter in my life.Praise Him! I am nothing special,God will do this for anyone, He desires to work in all our lives

Thursday, 13 March 2014

sleepy, and examining my motives!

I am feeling a sense of vague unease at the moment, it feels as if something is looming, i have had a few bad dreams,sleeplesness,and my 'spiritual discernment' is affected,my 'spidey sense'!!..,(it is officially called the gift of 'discernment of spirits',which the Bible doesn't say a lot about,but in essence means being able to tell the difference between good and bad spirits).From lunchtime on tueasday until 8.30 wednesday morning i was sleeping, not solidly of course as i still have Ben to care for!! but dosing...i wasnt tired, and had slept well the night before.. its all very strange,in her books Dr Rebbeca Brown says that sometimes we are tired because we have been fighting spiritual battles,or at least our spirit/soul has! I don't want to overthink all this, it could be just that i have been resisting some trap of Sin the enemy has set up for me!!, i know my post the other day about my relative (sister) may have seemed sinful, maybe it was, i know i have forgiven her,its just her behaviour that puzzles me, and maybe the criticism could come that because i am not in contact with her at all that i am holding a grudge,I am not i believe the Bible does allow us to cut those out of our lives who would cause us to Sin,after a long life of painful,useless arguments i know it leads no-where and will no longer engage with those people who like to argue,i still love her, i can't help it!.. and would wish her health and happiness, but i am done with Controlling, dominating personalities!!(avoiding them like the plague, is not an understatemnt!!!)

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Hyenas,or flying monkeys?...Or MORE BOMBASTIC BULLYING?

I have just been checking up on the internet on the 'bombastic bully', unfortunately a relative of mine,its all very discouraging, she hasn't changed!!,she is very 'big' on twitter,where no-one is allowed to disagree with her, if they even try to use the 'free speech' she would as a bleeding heart liberal say SHE believes in, she gets her pack of fellow bullies, to attack mercilessly...(the flying monkeys)...its all very discouraging,i have spent so long praying for her,(and sadly she has only come out as an Athiest since she failed to control me)!!.. What is most laughable to me of course is she SAYS she is AGAINST bullying!!!hypocrite!! I have commented on twitter as myself,and she has stopped anyone attacking me by telling them our genetic link,and of course saying because i am 'mentally disabled'(her words! or on the spectrum) and 'i should not be attacked", really i went on twitter with a false identity, and merely said "NICKY CLARK does not speak for me" just that!.., i then had her minions dissect ever word i had ever written, disparaging my use of language etc!!she re-posted my tweets for her pack of hyenas to rip apart!! hilarious!!!,but very bullying behaviour from a disability rights activist!!, in fact she is just a bored housewife with a laptop, she's never gone on marches! or put herself in any difficult situations...some activist!!!i am ashamed to say she is a vicious controlling person with a platform,and people who claim to 'know her',who don't...i do only too well...'one of the hyenas even said to me' as my false identity,"if you really know her you would not say that" Un-fortunately the Trouble is i DO know her,all her life,we grew up together,and i so wonder what made her this vicious person?.., who 'cares so much' for strangers, but shuns and mistreats her own family?..,I know my Mum would have hated the way she treats others and the thing she accuses my Dad of SHE has become!!....its all very troubling.....i pray for her every night to come to salvation,and i try not to be unforgiving, even though she was cruel to Ben, and to a lesser degree my other children.I know God is in this,maybe one day my Mums ashes can be buried where she wanted them to be, but she is waiting for my apology...and holding the Ashes hostage until she gets her own way.She has a lot of the traits of the pyscopath, uncaring of others,who will tread on any one to get her own sad,God forgive her.