Thursday, 28 March 2013

Wolves, and wild dogs

Today i am grateful for His love for us! praise Him.
The Enemy of our souls, the Father of lies has been trying to take his revenge on me and those i care about in the last few days,My Master loves me and Mine, The Father of lies does not love his followers, he hates them,as they hate him.
It is really a shame that he uses believers to try to drag us down, as Marion and I used to talk,about the enemy is like a wolf in a pack, they nip at the heels to bring down the prey, they are not strong enough to mount a full frontal attack,  they work together, in his whispering campaign, trying to do his work by lies and manipulation of the elderly and Vulnerable.
Its my own fault,i have been the only one to be truthful about this,and speak out,everyone else just whispers behind their hands!...set myself up as a target!!....
I once asked Pastor from Africa, Pastor Dennis, why most of the attacks on us come from those who claim to be Christian, he said ' in Africa the wild dogs don't chase stationary cars, only the moving ones' very profound but so true...of course our brothers and sisters are not 'dogs', because God being no respecter of persons, loves them too,we should be very careful not to judge or hate others, any, even non-Christians, because God loves them.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Today i am grateful to God for keeping Mike safe, i have been ill and have not seen much of him in the last few days, i have been ringing his house to find out how he is, someone eventually answered, his friend Eddie and said they had found the house empty with the front door wide open, very worrying, but i rang his friend Nicky who usually sorts stuff out for him when he is ill, and she had heard from the Authorities that he was safe but not in hospital yet,although they are going to section him,(section three of the mental health act) which here in U.k means compulsory hospital admission, so he is safe,Praise God.

Monday, 25 March 2013

lack of sleep

Today i am grateful to God for His care and love for me and my children,i am worried about Mike he has not been sleeping,its never a good sign, he may end up in hospital soon. I got a bit worked up yesterday about the Ex-husband, and emailed Terry, from 'spitual side of domestic violence', as always her advice is very helpful,she is such a blessing to me,God has given her a wonderful ministries.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Answers to prayer

Today i am grateful to God for restored relationships, and a busy time praying! It can get a bit much having prayer meeting at my house every day, so will probably just have one every other day! we have had some great answers to Prayer,my back was hurting and that got better, we are still praying for a few things, like a wonderful Christian lady who has cancer, and is in a Hospice.
We went to a wonderful meeting where we were praying for world events, its amazing to be in the company of 'like minded' believers, one of the women even rang Mike to remind him there was a meeting at the weekend,we have no Idea how she got his number!..
One slight annoyance is that after not going to Mikes for at least 6months, never even seeing him in that time,and previously refusing to do any decorating for Him, the Ex has volunteered to decorated his whole house!!.....I WONDER sad he never gives up...

Friday, 8 March 2013

forgiveness, and scam artists

Today i am grateful to God for restored relationships, i said sorry to Mike for calling him a 'mug', and it was just as if there had been no time between us, we talked as we always do! Andre said we will have to 'work', on the whole business of not going to Mikes house,i am not sure what He means!!!...but it wont happen,i am still a bit annoyed with Mike, for letting the Ex in, knowing everything that's happened,I love the fact that he can come round here and we can Pray, we are going to go to the Glory meetings too,he will want to bring the Ex,so i guess i will have to go on a different day......he talked a lot about the 'scam'artist, i have to go along with it, i don't know if he thinks he has changed my mind about her!!!.....

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Never leaves us, or forsakes us

Today i am grateful to God for answered prayer! Hallelujah He never lets us down.Praise Him,i was having a bad day with Ben on Sunday, Elizabeth rang and i asked he to Pray, much better day yesterday!!!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Lack of Prayer, and witnessing

Today i am grateful to God for His Peace, i fail Him every day,i still tend to think to lie first in difficult situations,i cant get past that part of the old 'man' (nature),why do i do that? as a child i don't think i lied,very strange.I will ask God for help.
I have been reading the book '23 minutes in Hell', very interesting, and convicting,its written by Bill Wiese,who had been a believer for many years when he had this experience.Its a terrifying book, its too easy to forget that EVERYONE we know (who is not born again )will end up there, our loved ones , my own children, my Dad, my Sister. I was at a prayer meeting years ago and someone was given a Vision of the Pit, and people being dragged down into it,for lack of Prayer, witnessing by those who do know 'better',....Me.
I pray every Night for my children to be saved,even though God has promised they would be,probably every day for 15years, i only Prayed for two years for the Ex to be saved, before he made a commitment of sorts, i have got into trouble a few times for claiming he was not truly Born again,and was lying about it. Maybe he has got the message that we are not getting back together whatever he does!!!
I am not supposed to Judge anyone,i hope he is or gets Saved,but it wont make any difference to me either way.

Friday, 1 March 2013

The best one,116kg and counting...down

Today i am grateful to God for,feeling better,more like myself, i don't feel inclined to blame the Enemy for my own shortcomings, not reading the Bible or praying have been the reason for the bad stuff,the Enemy is always waiting for us to fail, like a prowling Lion,but cant blame the Enemy, i got out of His protection by my own Sin,He has not punished me!!! i have done it all to myself!!..
As the world says 's**t happens',we don't live a perfect life even if we don't Sin, as much as the un-saved, loved ones die, we get ill,Adam and Eve brought the knowledge of good and evil into the World, it was not His design for us, he made us to live forever in the Garden, we chose not to.
The good news this week for me, is that i have lost 2kilos in 16days, i am going to see a nurse every two weeks,in the govt, help2 slim,programme.i lost i kg in the first fortnight, since 18th January i have lost 3kg in just over 5 weeks, i started at 119kg,( 18.10 stone). I am the best one in the programme the Nurse said!!!