My Life,not always crap!I am first and foremost a bible believing, born again very bad christian, a writer,published in an Anthology for Carers see carewrite blogspot....Interested in all artistic things,very bad housekeeper.Full time carer for my Autistic son,I am classed as disabled. My core beliefs are the same as most other Born again people, the Trinity,anti- Euthanasia,anti- Abortion,i believe the Lord is returning soon,we are in the End times.God is in control of the world.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
prayers and gardening
Oh dear feeling ill again today,trying not to let it get me down,the sun is shining,and its cold!...was being sick last night, so feel very weak today. yesterday was a good day i did two hours in the garden, and Mike just turned up, something he has not done for quite a few weeks, so God has things moving again, hope to have prayer meeting here tonight , God willing, maybe Darren will come to, he actually asked me yesterday to pray, i cant remember if i said this already, but his lack off interest in all things of the Kingdom was worrying me,so I felt a nudge from the Lord not to mention anything to him about prayer and Bible study, we prayed for him last Friday night to it was a real answer to pray! Praise God!
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Yellow dogs, and near death experiences
No-ones Reading this blog anymore,!.. no views today or yesterday,never mind! maybe i was to conscious of the numbers anyway,at the moment because i am not having much fellowship, i am reading the Bible every day and praying in tongues for 15mins too,( which i should have been doing all the time anyway) i have been doing the tongues for four months now, and its not like me to keep things up very long!!..i was watching the christian channel and someone said about the missionary who went to minister to the triads, cant remember her name,and it inspired me, i felt just a little nudge to do this too,i have read her book, but can only remember the unpleasant 'yellow dog' restaurants. (where they are boiled alive). I think she may have been an Irish woman, and was brought up in such poverty, she had head lice all the time.
I have tried to avoid the news about the financial situation in this country,i know it probable means the Lord is coming back, soon i hope! I am in fear of what will happen if society breaks down, and i know it is disobedience to God because He took care of the Nation of Israel,in the desert after they left captivity, we have been talking about the End times, for many years, now its possible we could actually be here its a whole different story! Sorry for not trusting you enough Lord.....
Its a sunny day today,it does make me feel better, i spent most of yesterday on the sofa with a bad back, i have pain killers but they make me sleepy,i am not going to allow myself to get discouraged about ll may various health problems,and the difficulties i have just living my life,my untidy and disorganised house.I m in the middle of so may projects, growing seeds for summer, opening up some more borders, so i can grow more things in my garden, getting junk stuff i dont want to throw away into storage in the attic,but having to wait for my daughter to sort out her rubbish in the attic, she has been ill with asthma, my life is very good, and i am so grateful to God for my life, as i have bee on the point of death at least four times,He gave me visions of heaven, and i was very annoyed to be sent back! But the Lord had a plan for my life,and if i had died at nineteen none of my wonderful children would have been born, but i am not scared of death, i know where i am going!!! 'to live is Christ, to die is gain'
I have tried to avoid the news about the financial situation in this country,i know it probable means the Lord is coming back, soon i hope! I am in fear of what will happen if society breaks down, and i know it is disobedience to God because He took care of the Nation of Israel,in the desert after they left captivity, we have been talking about the End times, for many years, now its possible we could actually be here its a whole different story! Sorry for not trusting you enough Lord.....
Its a sunny day today,it does make me feel better, i spent most of yesterday on the sofa with a bad back, i have pain killers but they make me sleepy,i am not going to allow myself to get discouraged about ll may various health problems,and the difficulties i have just living my life,my untidy and disorganised house.I m in the middle of so may projects, growing seeds for summer, opening up some more borders, so i can grow more things in my garden, getting junk stuff i dont want to throw away into storage in the attic,but having to wait for my daughter to sort out her rubbish in the attic, she has been ill with asthma, my life is very good, and i am so grateful to God for my life, as i have bee on the point of death at least four times,He gave me visions of heaven, and i was very annoyed to be sent back! But the Lord had a plan for my life,and if i had died at nineteen none of my wonderful children would have been born, but i am not scared of death, i know where i am going!!! 'to live is Christ, to die is gain'
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Monkeys and teenagers
I spoke to Darren's friend in London today, 'J',she is a lovely christian, and has been in his life as she describes it 'since he was a skinny teenager', so it seems that the Lord has had His hand on Darren for a long time, planning to bring him in to His Kingdom, it gives me a lot of hope, especially at the moment when he wants nothing to do with the things of God.
It was only a few years ago that he and my oldest son Nathan, were ganging up on me saying they did not believe in creation, and that we came from monkeys,Praise the Lord, a month or so ago Nathan told me that he believed that the world was intelligently designed, and was 6 thousand years old!, and Darren is watching the christian channel on t.v and is very keen on Dr Murty, a creation scientist! so they have both done a complete about turn, its very encouraging!!!...( i am not claiming anything to do with this,) Glory to God, always!...
It was only a few years ago that he and my oldest son Nathan, were ganging up on me saying they did not believe in creation, and that we came from monkeys,Praise the Lord, a month or so ago Nathan told me that he believed that the world was intelligently designed, and was 6 thousand years old!, and Darren is watching the christian channel on t.v and is very keen on Dr Murty, a creation scientist! so they have both done a complete about turn, its very encouraging!!!...( i am not claiming anything to do with this,) Glory to God, always!...
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Gym and Loving Father
Last night it all worked out really well, i went to the gym and then to Mikes, we had prayer which really felt like the Lord was there, and Luke joined in for the last few minutes.The Enemy is annoying me at the moment, when we went to bed Ben's bedroom door was open,and also this morning,he always keeps it firmly shut,I have prayed, so should not happen again.
We have had a lot of what the un-saved world would call 'ghost sightings' in my house,so i have to keep very vigilant,of course they are not ghosts,but demonic,and the Lord always puts a stop to it when i ask Him, he is a loving Father.I have the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits. The Lords choice for me of course, although at first i wanted a gift like healing, but He always knows better.
We have had 'shadow men', things being thrown across room,so called' poltergiest' t.v turning it self over,most of the unpleasant things the Enemy has to offer in that context.God bless you,everyone who reads this.
We have had a lot of what the un-saved world would call 'ghost sightings' in my house,so i have to keep very vigilant,of course they are not ghosts,but demonic,and the Lord always puts a stop to it when i ask Him, he is a loving Father.I have the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits. The Lords choice for me of course, although at first i wanted a gift like healing, but He always knows better.
We have had 'shadow men', things being thrown across room,so called' poltergiest' t.v turning it self over,most of the unpleasant things the Enemy has to offer in that context.God bless you,everyone who reads this.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Battery and consquences
I have got the C.D.its wonderful! Praise the Lord, spoke to Elizabeth (one of the wonderful old ladies i have known for a while).She told me that one of the most prominent Christian campaigners in Britain has remarried, contrary to the Bible,i researched him afterwards, and his ex-wife was quoted in the daily mail, saying that he had been violent to her and their children,she ran away and he is re-marrying a Kenyan woman,Stephen Green was on of my hero's, really really disappointing, i feel like i did when i found out that Martin Luther King was reportedly an Adulterer, very sad.
Remarriage is not allowed in the Bible,when i was first saved i did re-marry too,and i was advised by my Pastor not to do it, but i was rebellious,and determined to do what i want!...The Pastor Frank said 'there will be consquences' and he was so right, i am still paying for that mistake now,with the Ex hanging around.
So i suppose i was disappointed to see a mature Christian do it,of course the alleged violence was what shocked , and saddened me.
I was even thinking of writing to his wife, could not find her address though.I am waiting to see what the Lord wants me to do tonight, i don't really want to use one of the few hours i have off a week (from Ben) praying with Mike when i can do that at any time in the week, and its just me and Mike, Darren does not want to come, or Mikes house mate who has just become a Christian.
I want to go to the Gym. In a way its my own selfish fault because i wanted to have it back to how it used to be for about two years,of us going to mikes,every Friday.Which he was worried about my Ex coming round, and i was told not to get him in the middle of this,so i stopped going round on the Fridays.
Remarriage is not allowed in the Bible,when i was first saved i did re-marry too,and i was advised by my Pastor not to do it, but i was rebellious,and determined to do what i want!...The Pastor Frank said 'there will be consquences' and he was so right, i am still paying for that mistake now,with the Ex hanging around.
So i suppose i was disappointed to see a mature Christian do it,of course the alleged violence was what shocked , and saddened me.
I was even thinking of writing to his wife, could not find her address though.I am waiting to see what the Lord wants me to do tonight, i don't really want to use one of the few hours i have off a week (from Ben) praying with Mike when i can do that at any time in the week, and its just me and Mike, Darren does not want to come, or Mikes house mate who has just become a Christian.
I want to go to the Gym. In a way its my own selfish fault because i wanted to have it back to how it used to be for about two years,of us going to mikes,every Friday.Which he was worried about my Ex coming round, and i was told not to get him in the middle of this,so i stopped going round on the Fridays.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Gaelic and Soul
I have had no one to pray with for the last 5 days,but have been getting closer to God by reading the Bible, and the Metrical Psalms ( which are the Psalms written in metre so they can be sung, which was their original purpose), so the Bible already has its own hymn book inside!!!..Praise Him.
. I listened to some of the Psalms sung in Gaelic, which is the original language of Britain, and is only spoken in a few outlying Islands in the Hebrides, they were from a Church in a place called Back,maybe on the Isle of Lewis,they really have soul, the way the Black Gospel singers have, some say the only soul in the British Churches!!!..,so have ordered a C.D, looking forward to hearing that!!
I was really inspired by a book about the Hebridian Revivals called 'Songs from Heaven',there have been quite a few revivals on those Islands.I was watching a drama on T.V several years ago about the Islands and an ordinary families struggle to survive,a secular programme,and when some of the young Islanders went to war by ship, the people gathered on the quay side and sang them off with a Psalm,brought tears to my eyes it was so beautiful,even when they could not see the Island any more because of fog, the singing was still reaching them over the sea.
I read a few interesting articles that the Black Gospel songs style have their origins in the Hebrides, because some of the Hebrides went to America, unfortunately owned slaves, were land owners and taught their slaves Gaelic singing, i am not sure if this is true, i don't want to take anything away from the Gospel singers, and say they did not originate the form themselves.
I saw a t.v show many years ago which put forward the Idea that Rock and Roll originated from the Hebrides too, don't know,If any one out there knows anything about this please let me know.
. I listened to some of the Psalms sung in Gaelic, which is the original language of Britain, and is only spoken in a few outlying Islands in the Hebrides, they were from a Church in a place called Back,maybe on the Isle of Lewis,they really have soul, the way the Black Gospel singers have, some say the only soul in the British Churches!!!..,so have ordered a C.D, looking forward to hearing that!!
I was really inspired by a book about the Hebridian Revivals called 'Songs from Heaven',there have been quite a few revivals on those Islands.I was watching a drama on T.V several years ago about the Islands and an ordinary families struggle to survive,a secular programme,and when some of the young Islanders went to war by ship, the people gathered on the quay side and sang them off with a Psalm,brought tears to my eyes it was so beautiful,even when they could not see the Island any more because of fog, the singing was still reaching them over the sea.
I read a few interesting articles that the Black Gospel songs style have their origins in the Hebrides, because some of the Hebrides went to America, unfortunately owned slaves, were land owners and taught their slaves Gaelic singing, i am not sure if this is true, i don't want to take anything away from the Gospel singers, and say they did not originate the form themselves.
I saw a t.v show many years ago which put forward the Idea that Rock and Roll originated from the Hebrides too, don't know,If any one out there knows anything about this please let me know.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Fearful hearts, and Manna
Well i dont have too much to report at the moment we had a prayer meeting at Mikes on Friday, just me and Mike again, it seems silly to use my one night off a week to pray with him when i can pray with him at any other time, i could go to the Gym,i am not sure what God wants me to do, will just have to wait, and see what He says.
Mark has thanked us again for praying for Alfie,and of course we did nothing except bring something to Gods attention that He already knew about!.. God healed, not us Glory to Him!
The Ex has apologised to Mike,which he seems happy about.It turns out that he works on fridays at 6pm, so he would have not have been there, ( when Mike was worried that it would be a strained situation if we were both there at the same time),!!!!God know what is best for everyone,He is in control,everyone seems pretty down at the moment,hardly anyone at church,dont really know why,we all need a touch of fire, from the Holy Spirit!!!!
Read yesterday somewhere that in the last days peoples 'heart would fail them for fear' it does seem tht out in the world, those who don't know the Lord, are in great fear,it is hard not to be too, but it is disobedience not to trust that God will bring us through.He brought the children of Isreal through the desert, and He is the same God, He does not change!...
I had a phone call from a Lady in her 80's yesterday,she had to give up her family when she chose to follow God as a young girl, she and her Housemate are very keen on water baptism, and believe that women should not cut their hair or wear 'mens' clothes,i.e trousers, or jewellry or make up!!! apart from that they are wonderful women of God, so inspiring!...
Mark has thanked us again for praying for Alfie,and of course we did nothing except bring something to Gods attention that He already knew about!.. God healed, not us Glory to Him!
The Ex has apologised to Mike,which he seems happy about.It turns out that he works on fridays at 6pm, so he would have not have been there, ( when Mike was worried that it would be a strained situation if we were both there at the same time),!!!!God know what is best for everyone,He is in control,everyone seems pretty down at the moment,hardly anyone at church,dont really know why,we all need a touch of fire, from the Holy Spirit!!!!
Read yesterday somewhere that in the last days peoples 'heart would fail them for fear' it does seem tht out in the world, those who don't know the Lord, are in great fear,it is hard not to be too, but it is disobedience not to trust that God will bring us through.He brought the children of Isreal through the desert, and He is the same God, He does not change!...
I had a phone call from a Lady in her 80's yesterday,she had to give up her family when she chose to follow God as a young girl, she and her Housemate are very keen on water baptism, and believe that women should not cut their hair or wear 'mens' clothes,i.e trousers, or jewellry or make up!!! apart from that they are wonderful women of God, so inspiring!...
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Baby Alfie goes home!!
Praise the Lord baby Alfie went home on Monday,they were going to bring specialist in from all round the country, because they could not find out what was wrong with him,Mark rang me to thnak us for praying on Monday, but we know that God is a miracle working God!...
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Baby Alfie
We have been praying for a 15 day old Baby called Alfie, he has had trouble breathing,since just a few hours after he was born,he is still in hospital but has come off the ventilator,Praise God, i went to the prayer meeting at church on thursday, we all prayed for Alfie,by the time his parents got to the hospital to see him next morning he was breathing on his own! went to Mikes for prayer on friday night,only me and Mike, no Luke or Darren they came here last night,just Darren and Mike,Darren was struggling a bit but we got through it, just hour and half, but we prayed for lots of people!...
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Been very inspired by the card board testimonys, i have wathched on you tube in the past, so have done my own, hope to inspire the others with this on friday! ( on one side you put who you used to be,on the other who you are now, large piece of ordinary everyday cardboard, large marker pen....cue the inspiring music...
(flip to other side)
God is good!!!....
(flip to other side)
God is good!!!....
Monday, 2 January 2012
praying for prodigals
We have been praying today for some prodigals, Mike came round and we felt led to pray for them, we have asked for some news of them in the next week,one called Pete, Avril, Joe,there were five,but i cant remember the others!....,so we will see what God will do, not testing Him but throwing out a 'fleece' so to speak!
God is good Praise Him, 5 months ago i thought i would never have Mike coming round to pray for people almost daily again!....His life has changed to an un-recognisable extent too,5 months ago he was alone, now he has two great lodgers, who are great guys, one is an Italian chef, so he eats wonderfully, and the other has just come to the Lord, so God is this space!!!... its exciting times...
God is good Praise Him, 5 months ago i thought i would never have Mike coming round to pray for people almost daily again!....His life has changed to an un-recognisable extent too,5 months ago he was alone, now he has two great lodgers, who are great guys, one is an Italian chef, so he eats wonderfully, and the other has just come to the Lord, so God is this space!!!... its exciting times...
Sunday, 1 January 2012
fireworks and hootenanny
Well it another new year, with the endlessly annoying fireworks, just as well i am not asleep as they would wake me up again!! i live near a Park where in the summer there is a flower festival over two days, and they have fireworks on both nights,so close its really loud,!!!....grrr.. the dogs panic and bark loudly too!!!...really gets me mad, so try to be away at the caravan then!
Mike came round and we had some prayer today!! its getting back to how it was before the Ex stuck his nose in, hope its the last we hear from him for a while, but i am sure the enemy wont give up that easily! He has got another plan, just round the corner,but for the time being it all good!!.. Praise the Lord
Mike came round and we had some prayer today!! its getting back to how it was before the Ex stuck his nose in, hope its the last we hear from him for a while, but i am sure the enemy wont give up that easily! He has got another plan, just round the corner,but for the time being it all good!!.. Praise the Lord
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